Read Migraine Cures With No Side Effects - Natural Migraine Treatments much more

Headache Cures

Only those who suffer from migraines can fully understand how bad it really is to be a migraneur. The chronic headache along with many other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to sound and light, makes migraine a condition that severely affects a persons life. Without treatment migraines can really take a toll on the life on not just the sufferer, but the family of a sufferer. Fortunately, much more is known about migraines today than before, and several natural migraine cures have proven to be effective in a large number of migraneurs.

Keeping your body healthy is the best thing you can do to keep your migraines at bay. By excersizing and avoiding certain food pollutants, you can minimize the the onsets of migraines and even eliminate them totally.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

It is well known and documented that dehydration leads to headaches. It's important to drink enough water during the day. Feeling thirsty is actually a sign of dehydration. Drinking fruit juices along with water continuously during the day will keep your electrolytes charged. Don't go overboard though. Drinking too much water can actually be dangerous by thinning the blood. Exercise common sense. Also avoid stimulants that dehydrate the body such as coffee and alcohol.

2. Reduce Stress

Stress is a serious condition that can lead to many health issues besides migraine. It can be difficult to keep stress levels low with the demands of modern life. A solution is learning methods of coping, such as Yoga and meditation.

3. Avoid Pollutants

Avoid chemicals and artificial food additives. Unfortunately, the side effects of ingesting chemicals in food and liquids are rarely discovered until years later, when the negative effects have already taken place. Try eating food and vegetables as raw as possible and avoid heavily processed foods as these are full of chemicals.

Natural migraine relief CAN be a viable alternative to medication and multiple doctor visits, but it is important to choose the right treatment and stay away from hearsay and half-truths. Over the past 20 years, Elizabeth Hayden from The Migraine Relief [] system has compiled the natural cures that have proven successful in ending the nightmare of migraines, once and for all. If you are interested in learning how to take control of your life and health again, click the link!

Migraine Cures With No Side Effects - Natural Migraine Treatments

Headache Cures

Understand 4 Different Kinds of Headache for Busy People far more

Are you among the group of busy people who often wonder why you always get headaches? Well, the first thing you need to know is that headaches are in fact very common, especially for people who are always on the rush. As there are so many types of headaches that one can experience, determining what the root cause of the pain is can be very difficult.

The most common kind of headache is the tension headache. This is condition also covers the whiplash headache and the stiff neck headache. This kind of headache can affect both sexes. It affects busy people most as it is brought on by stress. Almost everyone will suffer tension headache at some point in their lives. The cause of these headaches is most likely caused by muscle constriction, while some other studies have contradicting findings that make researchers believe there is more to it.

Another type of headache is migraine headache. It has many potential triggers. For some it can be red wine, and for others it may be chocolate or too much sleep. For busy people, this kind of headache can occur when they take a sudden break after a long period of intense stress. Most often, when one starts to feel the symptoms of temple headache pain they will know a migraine is on its way. Some medications can treat migraines, but more often it is more effective to go to a quite room, to lie in the dark and to sleep a little to help ease the pain.

The cluster headache is known to be the most terrible and painful of all the kind of headaches one can suffer from. Unlike migraines, the cause of cluster headache is not known. For some people there are obvious triggers. These can be either strong odors like perfumes or it can be drinking alcohol. This is especially true if a busy person is drinking too much alcohol after work, and during an episode of these painful headaches. For others it can be foods or even having a nap after a hard day of work. These headaches come up and then disappear very quickly, so using medication to treat it is not too possible unless you have an inhaler at hand to smooth the pain.

Caffeine can be a friend to busy people or in the worse case, their worst enemy. Those who are drinking a lot of coffee will eventually come to see the bad sides of their addiction to caffeine. If anyone tries to reduce their coffee intake, or miss drinking their favorite coffee for some part of the day, they can suffer a terrible caffeine withdrawal headache. Ironically, caffeine headache treatments are popular by using caffeine as a painkiller in many over the counter medications.

No matter what types or kinds of headache pain you suffer, there is always some type of pain relief available to you. So understand your condition well and seek the right type of treatment for your headache.


Want more info on different types of headache? Need more info on headache remedies? Click now for more top and latest info on Types of Headache now or go to

Christopher Wen is the webmaster for where he provides you latest articles, news, and remedies to current health issues. Check out his site now to sign up for his newsletter and get a free specially prepared 5 part health course. So sign up for it now!

4 Different Kinds of Headache for Busy People


Examine Natural Cure For Headache more

Natural Cure For Headache

Headache Cures

A headache doesn't just mean pain in your head, it can also have other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, pain in the forehead, area behind the eyes and the temples. In different types of headaches the affected person will have different symptoms. Usually though, there is a natural cure for a headache. The different types of headaches are hormonal headaches, stress headaches, sinus headaches, frequent headaches, etc. The cure for your headache will depend which type of headache you are suffering from.

The headaches all have various triggers that bring the headaches on and depending upon these triggers the kind of treatment will vary. Thus you should consult your doctor straight away so the right treatment can be given.

The headache cure is decided based on the causes of headache. Here is a list of the possible causes of headaches.

-- Lack of sleep or too much sleep
-- Emotional stress and tensions
-- Weather changes, allergy to certain foods or substances
-- Pollution
-- Watching television for long hours
-- Drinking to excess and suffering a hangover
-- Dehydration
-- Working for long hours on a computer resulting in eye strain

Headache Cure -- The cure for the headache can be decided once the cause of headache is known. The cause of headache will be different for different types of headache. This can sometimes be straightforward, for example getting adequate sleep if the cause is lack of sleep.

Here are a few remedies for a headache:

Home Remedies

Sometimes just a nap can help you get rid of a headache. 20 to 30 minutes during the day could be all that's needed. You can also try putting cold compresses on your forehead and head. This will give some relief from the throbbing pain.

Herbal Remedies

Herbs like gold seal, feverfew, ginko biloba, etc. are very effective and can help a lot in reducing the severity of the headache symptoms. Some people may have an allergy to some of these herbs and so you should consult your doctor before taking them.


This may sound strange, but if the reason for your headache is stress, then meditating could give you relief from the headache. Meditation helps in reducing the stress levels, helping you to relax. Meditation can also improve your concentration and make you work effectively.

Headaches getting you down? Visit to find out how you can quickly and easily get rid of headaches forever!

Examine Different Types of Headaches and Their Cures additional

Different Types of Headaches and Their Cures

Headache Cures

Headache Cures

Everybody gets headaches. It's just a symptom of living with our frantic day-to-day lifestyle. The larger question is, how do you deal with headaches? Pain relief is the biggest goal when it comes to managing a headache. Pain distracts you and prevents you from doing what you need to do to get through the day. Let's take a look at some of the different types of headaches, and some preferred approaches to alleviating and eliminating the pain that comes with them. Headache remedies.

Just your regular everyday generic headache, is often referred to in the medical arena as a tension headache. Mild ones are generally not that debilitating. But severe ones can be extremely uncomfortable and distracting. Fortunately, these are often easily treated by over-the-counter medications. Medication is not the only approach to alleviating this kind of discomfort the sometimes physical activity such as exercise, or even relaxing through the use of meditation can remove the milder forms of this type of heavy.

Migraine headaches is one we've all heard of. If you're one of the unfortunate that has to do with these, you know how difficult it can be. For some it means spending time in bed until symptoms pass. Migraines can be excruciatingly painful and last for several days at a time. For some people it can simply be a sensitivity to excessive sounds and brightness. Generally speaking, over-the-counter prescriptions will not work well here. Prescription medications prescribed by your personal doctor are one possible solution. Prevention strategies often work well with migraines as well. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with good diet plan including adequate sleep and avoidance of stressful situations when possible, can alleviate the frequency of migraine headaches.

Sinus headaches are another very painful variety of headache. Their occurrence can be the result of a number of triggers. Seasonal changes can often cause sinus headaches to occur. Going from spring to somewhere or summer to fall for instance can see again this type of headache.

Sometimes, the best way to treat headaches is to learn what the triggers are. And whenever possible, to avoid them. Personally speaking, I know that spending too much time in front of a computer monitor is sure to cause headaches for me. Even taking over-the-counter medication, rarely alleviates these headaches. What's generally required is to simply walk away from the monitor. At least for a few hours.

In general, avoiding things like caffeine, alcohol, stress, and excessive noise can prevent the onset of many types of headaches. The key for each person, is to recognize which of those things they are particularly susceptible to. As with all things related to personal health, consultation with the family doctor is often your best bet. They know and understand your medical history better than anyone. As a result they're the best equipped to offer your permanent and lasting solutions.

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Go through Can Bee Pollen Cause Headache? additional

Can Bee Pollen Cause Headache?


It has been said so many times that bee pollen can possibly be a remedy for headache however, it is not often enough that we ask, can bee pollen cause headache. It is an often-overlooked issue because people assume that if it is a headache cure, it definitely shouldn't be the case of "bee pollen cause headache". However, the facts are that bee pollen headaches is a frequent occurrence in people with bee pollen allergies.

Bee pollen cause headache is not very common although it has been known to happen. The experts attribute this to a common allergy of bee pollen. Some other allergic reactions can include heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, as well as swelling. These are quite severe reactions for bee pollen cause headache and they are very rare. There are very few documented cases of the above said reactions when taking bee pollen therapy.

More likely allergic reactions include experiencing a laxative effect as well as gastro-intestinal problems. These have both been seen as minor allergic reactions as well as being seen as a common response to adding such a rich substance to the body. Bee pollen cause headache is also seen occasionally as a reaction to the nutrient rich food.

The human body today is conditioned for toxins and chemicals that are planted in our food as well as constant pollution from the air. The pollutions in the air come from industrialized areas as well as airplane travel. Our bodies are so accustomed to eating poor nutrient value food, that when we introduce a product such as bee pollen, our bodies seem to react in a way that displays slight discomfort in the stomach as well as light laxative effects. Bee pollen cause headache is one of the symptoms to watch for and immediately seek advice from your medical professional or doctor.

When selecting bee pollen products, be sure that you check with the supplier to inquire about the harvesting, collecting, and storing of the bee pollen. Bee pollen that is of low grade can cause ill effects from the toxins and contaminants known to be found in them. If you are considering bee pollen therapy, be choosy and don't' just assume that because a product is on a shelf means that it is safe for human consumption.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across -

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

Laura Hence is one of the editors for a series of nutrition web sites. Check out the reccomended Bee supplement guide, for more information on bee pollen.

Study Natural Migraine Help and Remedies extra

Natural Migraine Help and Remedies

Headache Cures

Migraines and headaches can be very exasperating. There are several factors that can cause the occurrence of migraine and headaches attacks. Insufficient sleep, genetics, strong odors, bright lights, stress related factors like how to pay for the enrollment fees, monthly billing statement and work problems are some of the common factors that can trigger migraines and headaches attack. Fortunately there are so many ways to get rid of the painful symptoms of migraines. Let us discuss them one by one.


Have you ever gone to a masseuse? If you haven't, you're missing so much. Massage has been around since time immemorial. According to one online resource, massage is an ancient therapeutic art. Every touch provides immediate relief. It helps get rid of pain as well. Certain disorders like migraines and insomnia respond very well to the healing power of massage. If you have a busy schedule and you can't afford to go to the massage parlors, you can ask your spouse or significant others to massage your temples and head. If unavailable, you can just do it yourself.

Use oil or lotion and start applying it on your scalp. Use the pads of your fingers. After applying the oil or lotion on your scalp, you can rub your hair slowly. Be gentle. Do not rub your scalp vigorously. For immediate headache relief, you can also massage your forehead, temples and neckline during the procedure.

Water Therapy

Did you know that dehydration can also cause headaches and migraines? Yes, this is true. That is why in a hot summer day or any time of the day, it is imperative that you rehydrate. You don't have to drink expensive power drinks. A simple glass of water will do. It is ideal that you bring bottled water whenever you travel. By doing this, you can just take a sip or two wherever you are. Another benefit of bringing bottled water is that you can place the cold bottled water onto your shoulders. Its coolness will give you instant relief from stress or the hot weather condition.


We mentioned earlier that strong odors can also contribute to migraine and headache attacks. On the other hand there are essential oils that can help reduce stress and thus alleviate headache migraine symptoms. Eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender and rosemary are some of the best essential oils for headaches. You can use these oils for massage as well. There are scented candles that you can buy in the market that contains these aromatic odors.

Certainly, there are so many natural migraine help and remedies that you can choose from. Aside from massage, water therapy and aromatherapy, you can also try unwinding and perform relaxation exercises to get rid of the distressing headache symptoms.

Looking for the best headache cures? Learn the different causes of ocular migraine and other headaches symptoms by visiting our site today!

Understand Cervicogenic Headache extra

Cervicogenic Headache


Nothing can be quite as debilitating as a headache brought on at the wrong time. Most of us have experienced a headache at some point or another. What most people don't realize is that there are different types of headaches, and furthermore many different causative factors.

When discussing headache, the first distinction that we make is whether it's of a primary or secondary classification. Primary headaches are those that are not due to a secondary disease state or disorder. Some common examples of a primary headache are tension headaches, migraine headaches and cluster headaches. Secondary headaches are those related to another disease process. Examples of a secondary headache include those resulting from stroke, infection, thrombosis, myocardial infarction, neck or head trauma, inflammation, or seizure, to name a few.

For the purposes of this article we will be discussing cervicogenic headaches, which are of the secondary classification. Cervicogenic headache refers to a headache that is an outcome of stressed or irritated structures in or around the cervical spine. Common tissues causing the cervicogenic headache are the scalenes, the sterno-cleido-mastoid, and the sub occipital musculature.

The afore-mentioned tissues have very specific referral patterns in the head and neck. We will start with the sterno-cleido- mastoid, or SCM for short. Sterno-cleido-mastoid refers to the 3 attachment points for this particular tissue. The name refers to sterno for sternum, cleido for clavicle, and mastoid for the mastoid process or conical-shaped section of the temporal bone just behind the ear. The SCM is commonly injured in whiplash injuries. It can also become tight or irritated for those that are consistent stomach sleepers. The standard referral pattern for headaches generated from irritation of this tissue is into the jaw, around the eye and into the forehead.

The sub occipital musculature refers to a grouping of four particular tissues: the obliqus capitus inferior, the obliqus capitus inferior, the rectus capitus major, and the rectus capitus minor. These tissues are roughly in the area where the head meets the neck, or more specifically just under the occipital bone. The sub occipital musculature can be injured in whiplash injuries, repetitive strain injuries or can even become irritated from postural dysfunction. Common referral headaches from this tissue generally affect the posterior skull and vertex of the head. These types of headaches can at times illicit visual changes as well.

The trapezius muscle is a large muscle that extends from the occiput to the mid thoracic spine. It also extends laterally out to the scapulae. For the purposes of this discussion we will be talking about the upper portion of the trapezius, or upper trap for short. Referral pain from damage or irritation of the upper trap usually affects the postero-lateral neck, the jaw or mandible, and/or the temple.

Cervicogenic headaches can be a result of trauma to the neck and head, whiplash injuries, postural anomalies, structural malformations of the body or even the way that we sleep. While cervicogenic headaches are very treatable from a chiropractic standpoint, headaches can also be an indication of more serious pathology. When in doubt, it's always best to be evaluated by you local health professional.

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Go through Headache Pain - 3 Ways to Reduce Headache Frequency much more

Headache Pain - 3 Ways to Reduce Headache Frequency


I had been a headache sufferer for twenty years.  A few years ago, I was forced to take some drastic measures to try to finally end or at least reduce the severity of my headaches.   As you read on, you will see what I mean by drastic.   You will not like some of them, and honestly I doubt that very many readers will be even willing to try them.  If you are like I was, however, you will have tried everything else, and if your headaches are serious enough, then you will be willing to try almost anything.

1.  Stop taking painkillers:

This is number one, because without  this step, nothing else will work.  The number one cause of chronic headache is overuse of painkillers.  The primary damage that painkillers cause, is that they rob your body of its ability to fight pain naturally.

2.  You can still drink alcohol just reduce the sugar.  Drink low beer that is low in carbohydrates, and dry wine:

Be careful about what you drink, and how much you drink. In most cases its not just the alcohol, its the combination of sugar  and  the additional chemicals in the drink called "free radicals"  that are causing your  drinking related headaches. In addition, dry wine rather than sweet will be useful and low carbohydrate beer.  Try to find beer that is brewed according to the Bavarian Purity Law.

3.   Reduce your caffeine consumption.

Caffeine can be a very effective headache reducer, especially migraines, but it can also be a headache trigger if you come to rely on it too much.  Try reducing to two or three cups a day at specified times.  For example, you could decide that you will only drink coffee in the morning and at 2pm.  This should not only control your headaches but also help you to appreciate your coffee breaks more.

Would you benefit by more help and advice from a twenty year headache sufferer?

Read through Headaches - Natural Remedies - Part One more

Headache Cures

After looking over the past 24 hours, you may have discovered the reason for your headache. Now, what should you take for it? Most of our remedies are for the common tension headache, however a few are for the more serious migraines. Use your instincts, common sense and patience to find which one of the following remedies works best for you and your headache.

Almonds contain salicylates, the pain-relieving ingredient in aspirin. To equal one aspirin, eat 15 raw almonds. It might take a little longer for the headache to vanish, but you won't run the risk of side effects. Purchase a little bottle of essence of rosemary and rub a small amount of the oil on your forehead and temples, also behind your ears. Inhale the fumes from the open bottle four times. Your headache should disappear within a half-hour. If not, repeat the rubbing and inhaling.

Combine 1 teaspoon of dried basil with one cup of hot water in a small pot. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, add 2 tablespoons of witch hazel. After it cools, soak a washcloth with the mixture, wring it out and apply it to the forehead. Keep in place until the washcloth dries or the headache disappears.

This works for some and not others - dunk your hands in water that is as hot as you can stand without scalding yourself. Keep them there for one minute. If you don't start feeling relief within 15 minutes, try another remedy. Some tension headaches stem from the tightness in your neck. Use an electric heating pad or a very warm, wet cloth around your neck. The heat should relax you and improve circulation.

Fresh mint is great for all kinds of things. If you have fresh mint, take a large mint leaf, bruise it, roll it up and gently put in your nostril. Be sure to leave enough sticking out so you can remove it. Mint leaf can be juiced to use as ear drops to relieve a headache.

Acupressure seems to work for some. Try sticking your tongue out about 1/2 inch, bite down as hard as you can without harming yourself, holding that position for 10 minutes.

Vitamin C is known to dilate the constricted blood vessels that cause the pain of headache. Take 500 mg every hour. After a few hours, if this is not working, try another remedy.

Take 3/4 cup of hot water, add 1/2 teaspoon of angelica (this can be found at health food stores) and drink. This can help ease the pain of a headache, plus is is said to give a person a lighter, happier feeling.

The aloe vera plant is very handy to keep around. Using a leaf, cut it in half the long way, place the gel side on your forehead and temples. Keep it there with a handkerchief or bandage until the headache is gone.

Many headache sufferers have used niacin capsules when all else has failed. Stay tuned for Part Two of Headache Natural Remedies.

Linda is passionate about finding alternative remedies for everyday maladies. She has also found the craftsmanship and beauty in Howard Miller Clocks. Come check out her latest website at [] which helps people find the best available.

Headaches - Natural Remedies - Part One

Read How to Solve Continuous Headache Pain - 3 All Natural Solutions additional


Almost 100% of people will get a headache at some point in their life. There is a very rare minority that will not (for reasons not worth going into), but the sad fact is that headaches are just a part of life for many of us. While most people can deal with the occasional short headache, a continuous headache is much more difficult to get through. A continuous headache simply means that it lasts for an extended period of time, and the length of that period varies from person to person. Here are three proven ways to get rid of these headaches:

1. Staying Hydrated - Roughly 80% of Americans do not get enough water. Even though you may be drinking something all day, if it has any caffeine its actually making you dehydrated. Your goal should be to have a least eight glasses of water a day, or at least 1/2 glass for every caffeinated beverage you drink. This is an extremely simple and easy step, and it will make a huge difference in not only how many continuous headaches you get, but how long they last as well. So start drinking more water now if you want less headaches later!

2. Avoid Sugar and Caffeine - Because of how your body processes simple sugar, it is very easy to get a headache when you get what is called a sugar crash. A sugar crash is caused by an overproduction of the insulin in the body. Basically, when you eat something like candy, your pancreas produces insulin to process the sugar. Once the sugar is gone, the pancreas sometimes continues producing too much insulin, which leaves you wanting more sugar and frequently causes headaches and tiredness. Caffeine is a strong diuretic, and will greatly hinder your efforts to stay hydrated (as described above). Basically it just limits the amount of water that your body can absorb, so try and avoid the caffeine as much as possible. Though sugar crashes don't usually cause continuous headaches, withdrawal from not getting enough caffeine (if you've become addicted to it) or from being dehydrated can and WILL cause them.

3. Relax - Many continuous headaches are called tension headaches, because they are caused by excessive tension in the muscles of the neck, head, and upper back. These muscles become tense from stress or over tightness and essentially pull on the top of the head, causing a headache that is usually felt in the front of your head. These continuous headaches can be quite difficult to get rid of, since there's no quick way to fully relax your muscles. However, there are a few ways to prevent these types of continuous headaches from affecting you. First, do a few loose neck rolls and shoulder shrugs every morning when you wake up and then again in the afternoon. This will help to keep the muscles loose and relaxed. Do these exercises again at night right before you go to bed as well. Secondly, try to get a neck or shoulder massage once a week if you can. If you can't afford a professional massage done by a trained specialist, offer a trade-off with your spouse.

These are easy ways of treating AND preventing a continuous headache. If you're plagued by such bothersome headaches, start using these methods right away -- you'll be glad you did!

For more detailed information about how to heal your headache naturally and almost instantly -- be it a frontal, side, back, or even a continuous headache -- try visiting, one of the most popular & informative headache treatment websites on the web.

How to Solve Continuous Headache Pain - 3 All Natural Solutions


Go through Headache Migraines - Stop the Pain extra

Headache Migraines - Stop the Pain

Headache Cures

Having a Headache can be a horrible thing to deal with and finding a cure is most important. There are common forms of headaches and these can be caused by a number of thing such as stress or looking at a computer screen to long. There are some simple things you can do such as take a couple of aspirin and this will usually take away the pressure you have form these mild headaches. There are also more severe forms of headaches known as migraines and these can really cause you a lot of pain and discomfort. It is important to know that there may be some reasons behind getting this type of headache and you should see your doctor for a remedy.

Usually if you are experiencing a migraine headache then it can be a pain and also it can affect your vision as well as making you feel dizzy. It is important to know the difference so that you can get proper treatment. A really prolonged headache that is a migraine can also keep you form doing the things you love and it some extreme cases can keep you home bound. It is important that you seek professional help so that they can give you a medicine that can help you get over having such terrible attacks.

Remember that there are simple headaches that you can get from strain in your eyes and this type can be easily treated with aspirin. If you are getting intense forms of headaches that are keeping you from doing the things you love then you want to seek help from you doctor so you can find a remedy.

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Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Health and Well Being

Study Natural Headache Cure a lot more

Suffering from headaches is not something that you would consider fun; depending on the type of headache, it can be downright brutal. One of the best natural cures for a headache is to going to a chiropractic clinic because they can realign your spine, which can help the headaches go away. If you are unsure about going to a chiropractor another option that you have in treating the headaches is various home remedies. A natural headache cure does not use any over the counter medication, which means less chance of side effects.

One natural headache cure that you can try is lemons, which there are quite a few different treatments that involve using lemon. One method is to get three or four slices of lemon and squeeze the juice into a cup of tea. Mix the tea and lemon together and drink it to cure your headache. Another method is taking the lemon peel and pounding it into a fine paste, which can be done using a mortar and a bowl. Once the lemon peel has been crushed into a paste, apply the paste to your forehead for almost immediate relief. You can also apply the fresh, lemon rinds to each temple to provide relief from headaches.

Apples are something else that you can use to cure a variety of different types of headaches. To get rid of chronic headaches with an apple you will need to get a ripe apple and remove the upper rind and the hard inner portion of the apple. Each of these pieces should be taken with a little bit of salt on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. For the best possible results you will want to eat the apple for at least a week, you can go longer if needed.

Headache Cures
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Natural Headache Cure

Examine Chronic Headache Sufferers a lot more


What defines a chronic headache?

o Headaches that occur regularly

o Lasts over a period of time, meaning months with only temporary relief.

o Not usually relieved completely with over-the-counter medicines.

Having chronic headaches does not mean you have a terrible illness such as a brain tumor or other terrible disease. Chronic headaches are usually caused from a less severe medical condition. There are many different types of headaches and although they are painful there is help out there. Because of the different types your doctor can help figure out what kind of headaches you are suffering from.

Chronic Migraine Headaches
Many people will say that they are suffering from chronic migraine headaches. Although this may be true the causes of Migraines is not fully understood. Migraine headaches hit hard and are very painful. People complain about sudden severe pain that will usually hit one side of the head. This pain will even cause you to be sensitive to light and sounds and can even make your stomach upset. Many will only find any relief by lying down in a dark quiet room for a few hours.

It is not fully understood what exactly sets off a Migraine. Whether is might be chemical reaction in the body or a certain noise or light. There have been medical breakthroughs of medicines that can work well in the treatment of Migraines. You doctor can prescribe medicines for you that might help. There is more than one medication for migraines so you may find that one medicine may or may not work as well as another. Try to keep track of when your chronic headaches or Migraines come on so we can try to see what is setting them off whether it might be stress, light, sounds and so on. There may be another underlying cause that the doctor may be able to help you with so you can get relief.

Chronic Headaches Not Related to Migraines

Migraines are not the only type of chronic headaches. There are other types of chronic headaches that can be just as painful and reoccurring. If you have allergies then you may know that you can suffer from sinus pressure which can cause some nasty headaches. Tension headaches can be very painful also. Allergy sufferers and stress can bring on chronic headaches that will last quite some time. Until it is figured out what kind of headaches you are having they cannot be treated effectively.

It is also said that some sweeteners or preservatives may be the cause of chronic headaches. This may be caused from some kind of chemical reaction in your body. Chemical imbalances can also cause chronic headaches. There are now newer medications that will help you with chemical imbalances in your body. Many different things can cause sudden throbbing pain to occur in your head, neck and shoulders. You need to try and keep track of when they come on and possibly find out what is setting them off. If your body has an imbalance of some kind your doctor should be able to find it with a simple blood test.

It is thought by many that chronic headaches are caused by blood vessels constricting or squeezing which in fact is not true. Chronic headaches and headaches in general are caused by the exact opposite happening. When your blood vessels relax is when the rush

You can also find more info on Headache Remedies [] and Headache Treatment Options []. is a comprehensive resource to know about

Chronic Headache Sufferers

Examine What To Do For Cluster Headache Pain Relief a lot more

Cluster headaches are not as common as other types of headaches. In fact, statistics show that only 69 out of 100,000 people get cluster headaches. For this reason, this type of headache is not discussed very often. Still, cluster headaches can be very painful and those who suffer from them would desperately want to look for an effective cluster headache pain relief.

The median age of a cluster headache sufferer is 30 years old. Most of those who develop cluster headaches have their first cluster headache between the age of 20 and 50. Nevertheless, you can develop a cluster headache at any time in life. Some people actually experience their firs symptoms before they even turn 10-years-old. There are also some people who do not get cluster headaches until they are 80-years-old or older. Men are usually affected more often than women. In fact, five out of every six who suffer from a cluster headache is a male.

You need to have a clear understanding of the symptoms if you are looking for a cluster headache relief. A cluster headache is called as such because it usually attacks you in clusters. It is usual for an attack to last between a half hour and two hours. You can also experience anywhere from one headache per week to six per day. It all depends upon how severe your condition is. These attacks occur in waves. Most patients will experience between four and eight headaches per week. You may experience this for several years but not many people are afflicted in this way.

For a cluster headache diagnosis, you need to get a proper diagnosis from your doctor first. Your doctor can help you determine if you may be experiencing cluster headaches because your nasal passage is blocked.

Some other symptoms that commonly occur with cluster headaches include red eyes and sweating from your forehead and cheeks. The pain that you experience with a cluster headache usually begins around or above your eye and then spreads outward. These headaches come in a flash and reach their height of pain within two to fifteen minutes. Once you begin to have a cluster headache, your heart rate will begin to beat at a much higher pace. These are important signs to note when you are trying to figure out what type of headache you are suffering from. A more accurate observation of your symptoms can help you come closer to an effective cluster headache pain relief.

The sad part is that there appears to be no cure for you if you are suffering from a cluster headache. OTC analgesics such as aspirin are not an effective cluster headache pain relief because by the time the pills begin to work the headache is nearing its end. Doctors would have to prescribe antihistamines, calcium channel blockers and ergot preparations for cluster headache pain relief.

Other than drugs, there are plenty of other ways for cluster headache pain relief. These methods are natural and result in little or no side effects. You can get enough sleep, reduce stress, look for other relaxation techniques designed to help you reduce stress and tension.


Overconsumption of drugs for headache relief can result in rebound headaches and worsening migraines. Get more information on headache natural treatment here on this site at

What To Do For Cluster Headache Pain Relief


Study Migraine Cured and Other Headache Remedies - Get Rid of Your Anguish Forever! far more

Migraine Cured and Other Headache Remedies - Get Rid of Your Anguish Forever!

Headache Cures

My Migraine is cured!!! Do you long to hear those words?

How many times have you heard the words "avoid caffeine, red wine chocolate?" Ect, etc and you'll be OK to having you're migraine cured forever.

Migraines are one of the most agonising and traumatising illnesses known. A person who does not have them really does not know how lucky they are.

Many times I have woken up I the middle of the night with a thumping Migraine, in fact, I have even had time off my job and had to go home literally to put my head under the bedcovers and close the curtains. It got to the stage where I was in front of my boss trying to explain why I was having so much time off. She didn't suffer herself so how can you explain to someone the trouble you have when they don't understand themselves.

Why do I get Migraines and how do I treat them?

You need to understand how migraines work and understand them before you can get rid of them forever.

Many people assume that medical science will provide the cure when in actual fact small significant changes in your lifestyle can make real changes. Things like diet and exercise help but let's be honest who really does that to change their problems until your are told to by your doctor.

You need to understand more than just losing weight and exercise. There is treatment out there in various drugs and remedies but not everyone is the same. What works for one does not usually work for another in my Experience. So you have to find what works best for you. My father used to suffer with them in his younger days but he found a treatment which worked but didn't work for me, so you may have to try other things.

My Name is Craig Rogers I'm from Sheffield, England and have suffered from migraines for years and have finally now got rid of the problem.

I have done some research into migraines and headaches by attending groups in person and over the internet and have a FREE gift for you!!!

For your FREE step by step guide to getting rid of your migraine please visit []

Study Is My Headache Caused by a Brain Tumor? extra

Is My Headache Caused by a Brain Tumor?


Almost everyone experiences a headache now and then. In most cases these intermittent headaches will not be a sign of a more serious health condition. However, in some instances the headache will only be a symptom of some underlying disease or condition.

There are two types of headaches, primary and secondary. Primary headaches are simply head pain. Secondary headaches are caused when some other health condition such as a disease, infection, brain tumor, or other factor is present. With secondary headaches the head pain is just a symptom of the primary health disorder. By looking at a few factors it is usually possible to determine if your head pain is nothing to be worried about or a serious health condition.

If you suffer with three or more headaches a week, this is not a natural thing. If you are having three or more headaches a week you should see a medical doctor. You should also seek medical help if you are taking painkillers almost every day or if the pain is continually getting more intense, it's time to talk with a doctor about your problem.

The sudden onset of a headache after a fall or other head injury could signify a major problem and immediate medical assistance is required. If a headache appears suddenly and is severe in intensity, you should again seek immediate medical attention. There are many reasons to seek immediate help from a doctor and the most common reasons are if you have a headache that is accompanied by a fever, seizures, double vision, stiff neck, loss of mental focus or confusion, or rash. Additionally, if you are over 50 years of age and start experiencing new headache pain that you never had before, it's time to seek help.

Migraine headaches are usually experienced on one side of the head, but will switch sides from one headache to the next. The pain can be on one side for a headache or two and then be on the other side the next time or two. This is normal. However, if the pain is continually on the same side it could be caused by a brain tumor.

Brain tumors will normally be associated with other symptoms as well. They tend to cause a loss of sensation or function on one side of the body as the tumor pushes against tissues on one side of the brain. When a tumor causes an increased amount of pressure on the brain it can cause other symptoms such as loss of balance, vision problems in one eye, or other one-sided symptoms.

If you ever experience symptoms that you believe may be caused by a brain tumor it's important to seek medical help immediately. The quicker a tumor is discovered the better your chances of successful treatment.

Click Here to get more information about how to cure your migraine headache pain safely and naturally.

Go through Easy Headache Solution more

To those people who do not wish to pop pills to kill pain, this is a good and effective method to consider when a headache comes on.

The fingers of our hands and toes of our feet are mapped to our head by meridians running through the body. The right hand and its fingers are associated with the right half including the neck and head. Similarly the left hand and fingers are associated with the left half of the body including the neck and head. The same applies to the feet.

If the fingers of the hand were placed in front of the face with the palm facing away from the face, you can determine the relationship between each finger with each of the 10 zones or meridians on the head. The thumbs associate with the center of the head. The index fingers a little distance away to the left and the right, over the inside of the eyes. The middle fingers toward the center/outer edge of the eyes. The ring fingers near the temples. And the baby fingers associate with the left and right edges of the head and ears.

When we have a headache one effective technique is to use the clothes peg, preferably the wooden ones, if they can still be found. Alternatively, if you can find some kind of clip that doesn't apply too much pressure that it blocks the blood flow, you can use that too.

Knowing the association between the fingers and the zones or meridians on the head, you can use the pegs on specific fingers to deal with the ache in a specific location of the head. If the headache is on the right side of the body, over the eye or behind the eye, place the clothes peg on the index and middle fingers of the right hand and leave it on for as long as possible. The continuous pressure has a sedative effect and would eventually block the pain.

If it is a diffused headache on one side of the head, use the pegs on all the fingers of the same side, i.e. for right half of the head, place pegs on the fingers of the right hand, and for the left half, on the fingers of the left hand.

Take a short nap and by the time you rise, you'll find that the headache is gone! A few years back, the mother of a colleague had a headache for several days, which started with the flu but did not go away when the flu left. I suggested this method. She used the pegs on all the fingers of one hand at first and took a nap. When she woke up, she found that one side of her head was no longer painful. Then she placed the pegs on the other hand, took another short rest and a few hours later found that she was finally head-ache-free!


Azizah A R has a great thirst for knowledge, particularly in Alternative Therapies and loves to share her findings and tips in this fascinating world of Natural Medicine. If you would like to benefit from this generous sharing of information, visit and sign up for her newsletter.

Easy Headache Solution

Go through Natural Migraine Headache Cure - Simple Treatments That Can Help far more

Only those who have ever suffered horrible migraine headaches really understand how desperate they can make you feel. To the bystander it may seem like it's 'just' a headache, but for the migraine sufferer it's a debilitating affliction that puts you out for several hours or even days at the time. Medicine works, but have side effects and can be expensive, and only treats the symptoms and not causes. If you are looking for a natural migraine headache cure, maybe these suggestions can help you.

Migraine headaches can be triggered by many different things, but a very common cause is also often overlooked. Dehydration is a sure way to get a headache and if you are prone to migraines then making sure to drink enough water and liquids can mean the difference between a short attack or a long attack. Be sure to drink plenty of water during the day and supplement with fresh fruit juices.

Warm baths can help both prevent and ease migraine attacks. If you feel the migraine coming on, try lowering the lights or turn them of completely while relaxing in a hot bath. You can add some lavender oil to the bath and on the temples. Lavender oil has proven very good at treating the pain from migraine in many migraneurs.

Cold compresses are another tried and tested natural migraine headache cure. Soak a towel in a bucket of ice water and then apply around your skull. This should you help alleviate the worst pain.

Massages are both pleasurable and relaxing. Neck and head massages are particularly effective against migraine. If you are prone to stress and tension, then something as simple as getting your partner to give you a massage may eliminate headaches completely.

Headache Cures

Natural migraine relief CAN be a viable alternative to medication and multiple doctor visits, but it is important to choose the right treatment and stay away from hearsay and half-truths. Over the past 20 years, the author of The Migraine Relief [] system has compiled the natural cures that have proven successful in ending the nightmare of migraines, once and for all. If you are interested in learning how to take control of your life and health again, click the link!

Natural Migraine Headache Cure - Simple Treatments That Can Help

Read through Sinus Headache Cure - How to Cure the Pain Caused by Sinus Headache additional

Sinus headaches are the result of congestion in the sinus and the facial region. The pain can be very intensive and requires timely treatment for the person who suffers from it. You must consult a doctor if you suffer from this condition before using any sort of over the counter medication. There are many over the counter treatments you can use, however make sure you check it with your doctor first - unless the treatment is 100% natural and harmless.

For those who do not want to consult the doctor they can opt for the natural treatments. There are many natural remedies that can provide you with very effective cure for headache. For example consumption of vitamin C found in natural foods is very effective as sinus headache cure. Foods that are rich in Vitamin C are strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower and gooseberry. Pineapple and oranges are also very beneficial as they contain a high content of Vitamin C.

You can also eat warm soup and avoid cold food, basically try to avoid anything that can cause further irritation of the sinuses. Sipping warm water can also help as it helps open nasal passages. Echinacea is a natural herb that is very effective for combating sinus infection and headaches. It can be taken as tea, in capsules or in liquid form. For the sinus headache cure you can also soak or shower in warm water, or use compress on your head that can be soaked in grind cinnamon. Green tea is also helpful and inhaling hot steam can also effectively reduce the occurrence of sinusitis caused headaches.

Headache Cures

Natural Sinus Cure?

How to really cure your Sinus infection?

Use simple, home grocery items!

Sinus Headache Cure - How to Cure the Pain Caused by Sinus Headache

Examine Homeopathic Headache Remedies For Pain Relief extra

Homeopathic Headache Remedies For Pain Relief

Headache Cures

Headache Cures

Many people suffer from headaches sometime during their lifetime. They can be caused by sickness, illness, stress, or injury. And to treat the pain, people are constantly searching for headache cures. One such treatment is the homeopathic headache remedy. Homeopathic medicine treats the body naturally and wholly and tries to help the body heal itself from the inside out. Some common remedies to treat headaches are listed below. Some people have found great relief with these solutions. You may have to try several to find the one that works for you.

Arnica - Arnica is a wildflower plant that grows in the mountains in rich, loamy soil. The flowers of the plant are collected and dried and used to treat sprains, strains, and pain. The plant is mixed with salves and oils and applied directly to the skin in the affected area. Alternatively, it can be made into a homeopathic medicine that is taken internally. For headaches, arnica can be applied to the base of the skull and back of the neck for tension headaches, or to the forehead and frontal lobes for head pain in that area.

Cyclamen - Is used to treat migraines associated with dizziness, blurred or dimmed vision, or eye spasm. Cyclamen grows natively in the Mediterranean region but is often cultivated as a house plant. Cyclamen is also used to regulate the menstrual cycle and to treat violent headaches with flickering before the eyes. It is also good for burning pain in the skin and muscles. It is a strong herb so care must be taken with dosing. Large doses produce violent purging and vomiting.

Ignatia Amara - This remedy is from a small tree that produces a bean pod. These are harvested to make the remedy. It is especially good for treating stress headaches as it works as a tranquilizer and helps to calm stress.

* While most people have no problems taking homeopathic remedies you should seek out the professional advice of a medical doctor before you start any herbal remedy.

For a complete listing of homeopathic headache remedies visit Homepathic Headache [] at [].

Go through Migraine Headache Alternative Remedies much more

Conventional medication treatments for migraine are often expensive, have nasty side effects and frequently are ineffective. This may mean you will have to seek alternative remedies for your migraine - very often these are more effective in allowing you to resume your normal daily activity.

No one knows for certain what causes migraine. The best treatment for migraine is to prevent it. The aim of a preventive treatment for migraine is to prevent or reduce the frequency of new migraine attacks from occurring. Headaches manifest themselves in a variety of ways depending on a person's stress level, physiology, diet and even immune responses.

The conventional treatment for migraine is painkillers, the best known ones which are Sumatripan or Imitrex. Drug treatment for migraine is classified as abortive (aimed at relieving acute attacks) and prophylactic (aimed at preventing episodic migraine from becoming recurrent and preventing recurrences in patients with chronic migraine). Treatment for migraine differs greatly, it has been found, depending on whether the prescribing physician is a general practitioner or a neurologist.

Some palliative measures have been found to be helpful when sufferers are undergoing an attack. A quiet dark room, sleep and ice on the forehead are beneficial. Migraineurs (migraine sufferers) seem to spend their lives looking for ways of prevention and very often diet is carefully scrutinised.

Diet will come under a lot of scrutiny and every migraineur (migraine sufferer) will have identified certain foods which seem to bring on an attack. Explaining to your boss that you are a migraineur will also help as you will need more breaks. Time lost here will be nothing to the time you have to take off if you actually get an attack. Look at your posture and your seating arrangements at the computer as tightening neck muscles and slouching can bring on an attack.

The herb feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) has been used for centuries as a folk remedy for headache, migraine, arthritis, pain, and fever in Europe. Natural remedies for migraine treatment generally can be grouped into two distinct areas of opportunity, these being manual therapies such as hypnosis, meditation , acupuncture , shiatsu or herbal remedies using herbs with specific nutrients to treat migraine.

Magnesium, a mineral found in soybeans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fish, is one of the most promising nutrients in headache research. American researchers suggest that a combination of magnesium taurate and fish oil may help prevent migraine headaches, based on the ability of both to reduce blood vessel spasms. Butterbur root extract and Vitamin B2 have also shown promising results.

Migraineurs are unhappy taking conventional medications for a long period because of the side effects. Some seek a complete change and a herbal remedy could well be the solution.

Headache Cures

Everyone is bored with hearing about your migraine ! Stop Living In Misery.

Robert Locke is an Internet Marketer specializing in Health, Wellness and Fitness. For Breaking News on the Wellness Front, visit his blog on :-

Migraine Headache Alternative Remedies

Read through Headaches - 2 Minute Cure additional

Headache Cures

Headaches, a common ailment among both children and adults can be a blight on an otherwise bright day. That sinking feeling of the pain getting worse in your head followed by that throbbing or stabbing pain behind the eyes can cause such a discomfort that everyone of us can relate to.

There are many causes of headaches but some are more common than others, like:

a) Sleeping badly can often cause a bad headache
b) Excessive much consumption of alcohol
c) Reading in bad or dim light for prolonged period
d) Dehydration
e) Colds and flu
f) Listening to Loud music for extended period
g) Stress.
h) Menstruation.
i) Screaming kids
j) Migraines and certain food allergies
k) Bad posture

If you suffer headaches frequently, be it for any one reason and having to pop pills to alleviate the pain more than a few times a week then you should seek medical advice as a first step to determine if you have any serious medical condition that is causing headaches. However, the good news is that many simple headaches can be cured naturally and without popping pills by alleviating the muscle contractions in the cranium that causes the headaches in the first place.

Almost all of us would reach for pills the moment we experience headache to get rid of it pronto because it affects our daily lives adversely. But this often can be the wrong approach. Aspirin, paracetemol and ibruprofen can often cause micro lesions in the stomach and long terms are not good for the digestive tract.

So what is the answer?

The answer could be AcuPressure, good for children and adults alike.

'AcuPressure' system relies upon an ancient technique for massaging key points on the skull which massages 8 key points in a sequence on the cranial. Like acupuncture but without the pins, this system is non-invasive. Bad neck posture often pulls the neck muscles that pull on the cranium vault that pulls on the brain - but this ancient method will alleviate that cranial pull and the pain.

As soon as you feel that you have a headache, you should think about doing the 8 points which can be done immediately to prevent the pain. And as the method is non-chemical and non-invasive, as long as you have the Acupressure device (a pin with a ball bearing on it that does not penetrate the skin) with you, you can do the 8 point massage as often as you like to alleviate the pain. It may be done several times by relaxing the cranium muscles. The best part of AcuPressure system is that you can heal your own head ache at home, without the need for needles or pills and with ease. So don't sit at home and suffer, or pop yet more pills you know aren't good for you. You may want to learn more about how to cure headaches in 2 minutes without any pills.. For all headache sufferers the time is now to eliminate this blight and get back to doing what you love to do uninterrupted.

Go to headache-cure-it-naturally

Headaches - 2 Minute Cure

Headache Cures

Read through Natural Sinus Headache Relief - Ways to Prevent Sinus Headaches extra

Headache Cures

Nowadays, more and more people are discovering the wonders of alternative medicine in treating certain diseases. There is no point in denying that over-the-counter drugs and medicines are effective. They work fast and they are convenient to use. However, there are several adverse effects brought by these drugs. As a result, patients with sinusitis switch to natural sinus headache relief methods.

Understanding the Efficacy of Natural Cures

In treating sinusitis, many question whether natural relief is as effective as OTC drugs. There are people who prefer conventional medicine because they feel that home remedies do not work as fast. Meanwhile, there are some patients who swear by natural medicines saying that they are effective and safe.

Natural sinus headache relief may come in any form. Sinusitis can be treated by home remedies or with the help of simple lifestyle changes.

Ways to Deal with Sinus Headache

In treating sinus headaches, the first thing that you need to do is to consult with your physician. The best way to attend to this condition is to determine the underlying cause of sinus inflammation. If you got it because of flu or common colds, you need to strengthen your immune system. If you develop it because of unhealthy lifestyle practices, then you need to modify or alter your habits to prevent the condition from getting worse.

Some of natural relief methods include the following:

1. Get rid of vices- First and foremost, smoking can further aggravate your condition. Stop smoking cigarettes and everything else will follow.

2. Ginger mask- Ginger is not only an ingredient in most dishes. It can help cure various ailments including sinus headaches. Get a whole piece of ginger, peel off the skin, and slice it into several pieces. Mash it up and mix it with water or milk. Apply the mixture to your forehead for several minutes. This can help relieve mild to severe headache. Repeat every 30 minutes.

3. Aromatherapy oils- Eucalyptus, lavender, and jasmine oils can help throbbing headache from sinusitis. Put them around your bedroom and rest. Aromatherapy oils can help your body relax and lessen the intensity of your headache.

4. Inhale steam- Another effective cure is a steam bath. Take a warm bath, let the water run, and inhale the steam. Do this at least twice a day. Breathing in steam can clear up your clogged nose. This can provide you with instant relief.

If you are suffering from this, think no further. Consider doing any of the mentioned natural sinus headache relief methods and free yourself from all the suffering. You can even try all of them to see which is the most effective.

If you are suffering from sinus headaches, check out and find out all the natural sinus headache relief options that you can do at home.

Natural Sinus Headache Relief - Ways to Prevent Sinus Headaches

Headache Cures

Go through Some Herbal Remedies For Headaches more

Some Herbal Remedies For Headaches

Headache Cures

Headache Cures

There are several over the counter remedies available for headaches but many like aspiring cause side effects such as stomach upsets. Here are a few tips that use herbal remedies for treating headache symptoms.

If your job involves traveling, carry a small pack of almonds with you. Almonds contain a natural painkiller called salicylates which is in fact present even in aspirin although in its synthetic form. Whenever you get a headache, chew on four or five almonds and you will find yourself relieved of the headache. The added benefits are that your blood pressure will be regulated and your blood cholesterol levels will get reduced.

Raisins are also a quick remedy against headaches. Even those with migraines can benefit from chewing raisins. Raisins are low in fat and yet provide an energy boost. They are great as a snack as they contain a high level of antioxidants. Raisins are good for your overall health apart from being good for curing headaches.

The herb, borage, is said to have properties that help in providing relief during headaches. Even those suffering from insomnia find that taking borage steeped in wine cures sleeplessness. Borage oil prevents inflammation and is even used to cure eczema and acne.

Violet has been used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to cure a host of ailments. Violet tea is an effective cure for migraines. It is even used as remedy for hives and dry rashes.

Vervain is a plant that is used to cure headaches that can range from mild to really severe ones. If you suffer from chronic headaches, you should drink a cup of vervain tea everyday to ward off regular headaches. Those who suffer from depression can also get relief from drinking vervain tea.

You can also make your own herbal potion to cure headaches. Make a tea using valerian, skullcap, lemon balm and passion flower and drink at least one cup regularly. You can use lavender and mullein in your herbal tea. If you want something to soothe your muscles you could try adding chamomile, rosemary or mint.

You can also apply peppermint tea topically to soothe headache related symptoms. Using a cotton swab just dab a few drops onto your face.

For headaches caused by sinus inflammation or congestion, you could use herbs like sage, basil, cayenne, cinnamon, ginger or magnolia blossoms. All these herbs have a warming influence and are therefore great for promoting better circulation in the body.

Gabriel enjoys providing articles on various interesting topics. Besides this topic, he also has a keen interest in other fields. Do check out his latest site at [] which covers reviews and product information on home air conditioners [].

Understand The Migraine Headache - Allergy Connection additional

The Migraine Headache - Allergy Connection


Most everyone has had a headache at some time, but there are people who cannot function on a daily basis due to headache pain. Many people go to physicians for headaches, in fact, headaches are the ninth most common cause of physician visits. Some headaches are caused by serious medical conditions and may need medical treatment.

Migraines, which come on an average of 1-2 times per month, may last anywhere from 3 hours to 3 days each. The pain, may vary from throbbing to moderate, often comes on gradually. Sometimes it starts on one side of the head and then switches sides. People report seeing lights, rainbows and blurred vision. There may also be loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting.

More women than men complain of headaches. Usually migraine patients have a family background of headaches 80% of the time. 43% of migraine sufferers complain of eye symptoms. According to many studies, most sufferers have other symptoms: hay fever, eczema, travel sickness and a history of digestive tract problems.

The Allergy Connection

Migraines are often a reaction to an allergen, which in turn, irritates the blood vessels. In migraines, an artery, most commonly the superficial temporal artery, becomes constricted at first, then the same segment of the artery becomes widely dilated, and overstretched. The pressure of the blood carried in the artery increases the pain, whereas compression of the artery with the hands on the side of the head over the dilated segment will cause relief of pain. The control of blood vessel tone is through the autonomic nervous system. Thus many natural treatments are directed at the nervous system and blood vessels.

Triggering Agents

The most common triggering agents for migraines are alterations in serotonin metabolism (a deficiency), food allergies (in order of the most common- wheat, citrus fruit, eggs, tea, coffee, chocolate, milk, salt, corn, cane sugar, yeast, alcohol, cheeses, onions), low magnesium levels, hormonal imbalances, histamine-induced platelet aggregation (blood platelets sticking together). Migraine headaches can also be triggered by eyestrain, poor posture, stress, sleep excess or deficiency, weather changes, blood sugar imbalances and drug use. (Dr. Dana Myatt)

Other studies cite triggers like hypoglycemia, tension, depression, tobacco, birth control pills, vasodilator drugs, water retention, menstruation, wind exposure, and sun exposure. There may also be factors that aggravate migraines such as poor air, constipation, getting cold, noise, carbon monoxide poisoning, very low / high blood pressure, altitude changes (air travel), bright or flashing lights (a recent study showed 30% were in the sun when the migraine started), loud or low frequency noises, electromagnetic fields (cell or portable phone), emotional stress or trauma, strong odors (including news print), pet allergies, and others. (Dr. Ron Roth and Lancet)

Can Foods Cause Migraines?

When allergy producing foods were avoided there was a dramatic fall in the number of headaches per month, 85% of patients becoming headache-free (Lancet) Migraine users may want to stay away from food with dairy and wheat.

Eating too many varieties of foods at one meal is a common cause of headache. The many chemicals from the various foods, even though naturally produced, still make war inside the system. For people with headaches it is wise to take two dishes at a meal of very simple foods. (Dr. Agatha Thrash).

Natural Relief

* When the headaches first starts, applying an ice pack can provide quick relief. The ice pack can be placed on the top of the head or on the forehead.

* Tension headaches result from stress and reduced blood flow to the brain, causing the neck muscles to tighten. To soothe the neck muscles apply heat. Applying a heating pad or taking a hot bath can provide relief.

* A massage can relieve stress and relax the muscles in the neck and other parts of the body. With the fingertips, massage the scalp and temples, using a circular motion.

* A hot foot bath with a cold compress or ice pack over the painful area can also be helpful.

* Studies show that Feverfew and Ginkgo reduce migraines and vascular headaches. The leaves of the Feverfew contain parthenolide, which inhibits the production of substances that dilate blood vessels and cause inflammation. Ginkgo also relieves ringing in the ear, and dizziness often associated with headaches. Feverfew and Ginkgo are available at health food stores.

* Ginger relaxes blood vessels in the head and reduces swelling in the brain. It activates natural opiates in the brain that relieve pain. Ginger can be taken in the form of tea or in tablets available at health food stores.

Where to Find Help

For information on headaches contact: The National Headache Foundation (888) NHF-5552. Always consult a physician before proceeding with any remedies. Headaches can be a sign of a very serious medical condition that can lead to death.

Since diet can play a part in migraines, reducing allergy producing foods is recommended. If you can't afford the $100 food allergy test from your alternative medicine provider, you can instead try going 1 month each without wheat, dairy, and yeast. Those are the most common offenders. If any of them is involved, you should notice a difference!

Although it can be a challenge to change your diet, if the end result is migraine headache relief, it will be well worth your effort. There are an increasing number of non-allergenic food mixes and seasonings on the market today that have no dairy, are easy to make and healthful and fun to eat. You may want to consider some of those options while testing your diet to see if you can determine what foods, if any, are the ones that give you a headache.

Cari Haus is webmaster for, a manufacturer and online retailer of quality vegan food mixes and seasonings.

Understand Headaches After Eating - Cause For Concern? far more

Headaches After Eating - Cause For Concern?

Headache Cures

Do you get headaches after eating? This could be a serious problem as I will get into very shortly. However, let's try to avoid needless worry by ruling out if you need to make a visit to the doctor.

First of all, if you have only experienced a few headaches after eating, that is if it has only happened once or twice, then you likely don't have cause for concern. However, you do want to remember what you ate when you did get a headache so you can avoid that food in the future. That's just common sense. You could have food allergies to something you are eating and that is what is actually causing the headache. Bring it up with your doctor the next time you see him or her.

Of course, if it's more than headaches after eating, such as swelling of the throat then you will want to go to the emergency room immediately as you might be having a serious allergic reaction to something you ate.

Now, if you are getting headaches after eating everyday or every meal then you could have a very serious problem that you will want to bring to the attention of a doctor immediately. This could be a sign of diabetes, which if left untreated could kill you. Luckily, diabetes is treatable and doesn't have to be life threatening if you modify for your diet and begin exercising on a regular basis.

What is diabetes? It is a disease that more and more Americans are suffering from every year. It is being forecasted that over 33% of American will have diabetes within the next 10 years. This is mainly because our diet is getting poorer as days go by. Very often, depending on the kind of diabetes you have, you can completely cure yourself by eating a proper diet and exercising regularly. Some diabetes suffers have even been able to completely come off their medication. So, the diabetes may be the cause of your headaches after eating.

If your headaches after eating are isolated or don't occur often, maybe only once a month, then you probably don't have a serious problem. It could either be a coincidence that you get the headaches after eating, or you could have food allergies. When you eat the food you are allergic to, you may get a headache. Pay attention to what you are eating when you get the headaches and don't eat that food again, or eat less of it.If you get headaches after eating everyday then you should see a doctor immediately to rule out diabetes.

Jonathan Higgins writes on the causes and treatments of headaches. He writes for several websites including Effective Headache Cures [].

Read The ABCs Of Fighting A Stiff Neck Headache much more

The ABCs Of Fighting A Stiff Neck Headache



So you have a painful constricted feeling in your neck. Even trying to turn your head brings a sharp severe pain. And as if it is not enough, you also have a headache which keeps you wide awake without the benefit of tossing and turning on your bed.

A stiff neck headache is not something that people normally consider to be dangerous.
More often than not, a stiff neck headache is not even a serious problem. Doctors often term it as a cervical spasm.

Usually, it is caused by uncomfortable sleeping position which puts unnecessary stress to your neck. So whenever you have a stiff neck headache, it is a good bet that you are only experiencing the effects of sore muscles.

However, stiff neck headache should not be taken lightly either. If you are suffering from stiff neck headache, especially if the occurrence is frequent, it might be best for you to see a doctor. You have nothing to lose but all to gain when you consult experts about this ailment.

Sometimes, stiff neck headaches happen after suffering a concussion to your head or neck. There are also some serious diseases associated with stiff neck headache; for example, meningitis and high blood pressure. Cases like these must be checked out first before you can be sure that the searing pains you have in your neck are nothing but a crick in the neck. Once your doctor is sure that your stiff neck headache is nothing serious, you can have plenty of treatment alternatives on top of peace of mind.

A stiff neck headache is possibly a symptom of a more serious and bigger ailment if it comes with other abnormal characteristics aside from pain in the neck. In meningitis for instance, the pain in the neck becomes worse as you try to move your chin downward. If ever you are feeling nauseated and utterly confused for no apparent reason, you might be experiencing inflammation in the brain which is, needless to say, very dangerous. A crunching sound while trying to move your painful neck coupled with a tingling sensation in your upper extremities can point to cervical osteoarthritis.

So just how do you deal with stiff neck headache? Is it possible for you to ease the pain brought by stiff neck headache? Here are a few tips to avoid or to comfort you during the trying times of a stiff neck headache; but remember that this should be done only when you are absolutely sure, upon consultation with your doctor, that you are only experiencing a muscular spasm on your neck area.

Firstly, fix your bed. As majority of stiff neck headaches are caused during sleep the likes of which you could almost wring your neck without even feeling it, you can start by clearing away unnecessary objects in your bed. Example, you should not sleep with your laptop computer or books in bed because these can become obstructions which could hurt your neck while you sleep.

A bad sleeping position can cause unwanted stress to your neck and head, so choose comfortable pillows and a cushioned but not too soft bed. A bed that gives good support and spreads pressure points on your back while you lay down is not only comfortable but healthy as well.

Secondly, if you are having stiff neck headaches as you go about your job routine in front of a desktop computer for eight hours, consider using a cervical collar. You can also make one by doubling over a piece of towel or cloth and enclosing it around the neck and fastened by a pin. This collar provides additional neck support and definitely relieves unnecessary stress to your neck.

You can also put a small pillow sandwiched between the back of your neck and your office chair's back rest for support; or better yet, use a comfortable traveling pillow which can be easily wrapped around your neck in a snap.

Finally, give your neck a regular exercise. A recurring stiff neck headache can be prevented by strengthening your neck muscles through regular neck exercise. A simple routine consists of moving the shoulders backwards to the point that the shoulder blades are pushed nearer to each other and then relax your shoulders and turn your neck slowly from side to side.

You can also have your neck constantly massaged. Train yourself to sit and stand up straight. Most of the time, stiff neck headache is a result of bad posture.

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about the cause and treatment of all types of headaches as well as more about the stiff neck headache [].