Read through Headaches - Natural Remedies - Part One more

Headache Cures

After looking over the past 24 hours, you may have discovered the reason for your headache. Now, what should you take for it? Most of our remedies are for the common tension headache, however a few are for the more serious migraines. Use your instincts, common sense and patience to find which one of the following remedies works best for you and your headache.

Almonds contain salicylates, the pain-relieving ingredient in aspirin. To equal one aspirin, eat 15 raw almonds. It might take a little longer for the headache to vanish, but you won't run the risk of side effects. Purchase a little bottle of essence of rosemary and rub a small amount of the oil on your forehead and temples, also behind your ears. Inhale the fumes from the open bottle four times. Your headache should disappear within a half-hour. If not, repeat the rubbing and inhaling.

Combine 1 teaspoon of dried basil with one cup of hot water in a small pot. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, add 2 tablespoons of witch hazel. After it cools, soak a washcloth with the mixture, wring it out and apply it to the forehead. Keep in place until the washcloth dries or the headache disappears.

This works for some and not others - dunk your hands in water that is as hot as you can stand without scalding yourself. Keep them there for one minute. If you don't start feeling relief within 15 minutes, try another remedy. Some tension headaches stem from the tightness in your neck. Use an electric heating pad or a very warm, wet cloth around your neck. The heat should relax you and improve circulation.

Fresh mint is great for all kinds of things. If you have fresh mint, take a large mint leaf, bruise it, roll it up and gently put in your nostril. Be sure to leave enough sticking out so you can remove it. Mint leaf can be juiced to use as ear drops to relieve a headache.

Acupressure seems to work for some. Try sticking your tongue out about 1/2 inch, bite down as hard as you can without harming yourself, holding that position for 10 minutes.

Vitamin C is known to dilate the constricted blood vessels that cause the pain of headache. Take 500 mg every hour. After a few hours, if this is not working, try another remedy.

Take 3/4 cup of hot water, add 1/2 teaspoon of angelica (this can be found at health food stores) and drink. This can help ease the pain of a headache, plus is is said to give a person a lighter, happier feeling.

The aloe vera plant is very handy to keep around. Using a leaf, cut it in half the long way, place the gel side on your forehead and temples. Keep it there with a handkerchief or bandage until the headache is gone.

Many headache sufferers have used niacin capsules when all else has failed. Stay tuned for Part Two of Headache Natural Remedies.

Linda is passionate about finding alternative remedies for everyday maladies. She has also found the craftsmanship and beauty in Howard Miller Clocks. Come check out her latest website at [] which helps people find the best available.

Headaches - Natural Remedies - Part One