Study Headache Prevention - How to Relieve and Prevent Headaches on One Side of the Head a lot more

What is a headache that affects just one side of the head and what are the causes? According to scientists, the real reason of this type of headache is still not clear. However it is commonly agreed that these headaches have no relationship with family history. A common statistic is that only 1% of the world population over a lifetime escape headaches altogether. Over a year it is estimated that 90% of the population get at least 1 headache. This means worldwide that over a billion people worldwide get a migraine at some point. This makes the information within this article very important and crucial to a large majority of the world's population.

Now, is there an effective way of relieving or preventing headaches on one side of the head? It is currently clear to scientist that there are no specific preventions for these types of headaches however there are certain methods that you can adopt to prevent these types of headaches occurring on a frequent basis or to at least decrease the pain endured when these headaches occur.

One thing I do not encourage is taking medication to relieve you of headache pain. The reason for this is because of the side effects that taking medication can have. However if you are adamant on taking medication then the common choices are Antihistamines, Indomethacin and Lithium carbonate.

Pain killers are another option however they lack the long term affects that are needed to relieve the pain of headaches on the side of the head.

Those who suffer from these types of headaches are usually advised to change their lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. These are some of the simplest and most effective ways of relieving headache pain.


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Headache Prevention - How to Relieve and Prevent Headaches on One Side of the Head


Go through Can Stress Cause Severe Headache? more


You would have pondered over various medical factors for frequent headache attacks to you. But have you considered stress as an underlying cause of headache?

Well, stress is one of the major contributors to various types of headache. And in fact stress originated headache happens to be directly proportional to the level of stress faced by the person. It could be a persistent headache if you constantly remain under stress or it could be an acute headache that ends once you are out of stress. It could even turn out to be a recurring headache if you experience one stress after another, in continuation.

The solution to these types of headache doesn't lie in taking headache medications. Instead, you should try to find out the actual reason that is compelling you to remain under stress. Once you know about the factors contributing stress to you, you can either modify your lifestyle to curb the stress or you can learn to manage the stress. This is the way in which you would be able to control your headache.

A persistent stress takes the shape of anxiety that weakens you internally and limits the blood supply to nerve cells. It may also be a cause of headache. A workaholic person often remains under stress due to constant pressure of work that may trigger off severe headache. Here, it's the pressure of work that works as stress. A student could fall prey to headache when examination is impending. Pressure of examination may result in temporary stress causing headache.

A human being undergoes various psychological traumas that compel him/her to live in a state of constant stress that often takes the form of depression. And a depressed folk often claims of headache that becomes a constant companion of the person. Such headaches could only be curbed when the root cause of the problem is addressed properly.

So folks! Before taking headache medication, you must check your headache against prevailing tensions and stresses in your life. Once you are sure that you are free of stress, you can go ahead with pain killers as your headache is a result of certain causes other than stress.

To get more info on headache, causes of headache and treatment of headache visit

Can Stress Cause Severe Headache?

Read through Migraine Cures - Migraine Trigger Elimination Dieting additional

Headache Cures

There are many migraine sufferers who are saying that there is a connection between eating certain kinds of food and drinking certain kinds of beverages and their migraine attacks. It is a link though that science is yet to prove. The problem is, food triggers differ from one migraine sufferer to another. This means that there is no fixed prescriptions as to what foods to eat and what to avoid for migraine sufferers. Each patient has to figure out what foods are safe for them and what triggers an attack. The best way to do this is through an elimination diet.

To perform an elimination diet, the first thing that you need to do is to write down a list of foods that you think is triggering an attack. Simply trace back the times when you had an attack and what you ate prior to that episode. Try to go into the details such as the ingredients of the particular meals that you ate and even the source of the food. Once you have a list move on to the next step.

The second step is the hardest to do and that is not to eat anything that seems to trigger a headache until a suspect has been identified. Add items back one at a time in your diet until you will be able to identify a trigger. When you already know the triggers, then you need to avoid them.

You should continue the diet even after you have identified the first trigger. It is common that a migraine suffer has many food triggers. You need to identify all of the triggers for the elimination diet to work for you.

For many migraine sufferers, the trigger is not just a single type of food but a group of food. This is the reason why some patients do not get attacks from eating avocados but suffers from a headache after eating guacamole which contains other known migraine triggers.

There are no guarantees that your migraines will leave forever.

That's the reason why it's vital to find the real basis of the problem and attack it with a genuine natural solution which WILL cure migraines headaches. If your considering natural migraine headache treatments? We discuss them all at stop migraine headaches from foods to your environment. You can download a free mini course at stop a migraine headache.

Hopefully helpful Jaz

Migraine Cures - Migraine Trigger Elimination Dieting

Headache Cures

Study Headache and Pain Relief Treatment extra

What are headaches?

Headaches rank amongst the most common and frequent ailments. A headache is not a disease, but may be indicative of other underlying problems. Although common and generally not serious, headaches are common in about 50-75% of all teens. However, recurrent headaches can upset and worry an individual to a great extent. The most common types of headaches that people in their teens and early twenties have are tension headaches and migraines. In some cases these problems may require a visit to a medical provider.

Treatment of an uncomplicated headache is usually symptomatic with over-the-counter painkillers although, headaches like migraines may require specific treatment. The occurrence of migraine headache could also be the result of particular allergic triggers like stress or some unambiguous foods which should then be avoided.

There are three types of primary headaches: tension-type (muscular contraction headache), migraine (vascular headaches), and cluster. Cluster headaches are sharp, extremely painful headaches that tend to occur several times per day for months and then go away for a similar period of time.

Some other rare types of headaches include:

o Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (headache with visual symptoms due to raised intracranial pressure)
o Ictal headache
o Brain freeze (also known as: ice cream headache)
o Thunderclap headache
o Vascular headache
o Toxic headache
o Coital cephalalgia (also known as: sex headache)
o Hemicrania continua
o Rebound headache (also called medication overuse headache, abbreviated MOH)
o Red wine headache
o Spinal headache (or: post-dural puncture headaches) after lumbar puncture or related procedure that will lower the intracranial pressure
o Hangover (caused by heavy alcohol consumption)

What are the causes of headaches?

The vast majority of headaches are non-malignant and self-limiting. Some common causes of headaches are said to be tension, migraine, eye strain, dehydration, low blood sugar, hyper mastication and sinusitis. In addition, we have some very rare headaches that are a result of some life-threatening conditions like meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral aneurysms, exceptionally high blood pressure, and brain tumors. If head injury is the cause of a headache then the reason is usually quite evident. In women, a large percentage of headaches are caused by their ever-fluctuating estrogen levels during the menstrual years. This can occur prior to or mid-cycle.

If anyone over the age of 50 experiences a headache for the first time, a condition called temporal arthritis may be the cause. Headache symptoms include impaired vision and pain aggravated by chewing. Because, there is a risk of becoming blind, it needs to be promptly treated by a doctor.

Brain aneurysm, brain tumor, stroke or TIA, and brain infection like meningitis or encephalitis are some rare causes of headaches and can be serious.

What are tension headaches?

Often related to stress, depression, or anxiety, tension headaches are due to contraction of the muscles in the shoulders, neck, scalp, and jaw. Overwork, insomnia, missed meals, and use of alcohol and drugs can make one more vulnerable to headaches. Some foods can also trigger a headache including, chocolate, cheese, and monosodium glutamate (MSG), and flavor enhancers. A deviation from the usual fix of caffeine can also result in headaches.

Tension headaches can also result from performing an activity with the head held up in one position for a long time. This can generally happen from using a computer, microscope, or a typewriter, sleeping in a cold room or in an abnormal position, overexerting oneself, and clenching or grinding the teeth.

Tension headaches tend to occur on both sides of the head, often starting at the back of the head and spreading forward. The pain may range from a dull or squeezing ache to a feeling of a tight band or a vice around the head. The muscle tension generally begins in the shoulders, neck, or the jaw before it gradually extends to the head. Therefore, these areas also feel tight and sore.

Where does the pain during a headache occur?

Pain, during a headache, occurs in the tissues covering the brain, as well as in the muscles, network of nerves and blood vessels around the scalp, face, and neck. The brain itself is insensate to pain because it lacks nociceptors. Headaches often result from traction to or irritation of the meninges and blood vessels. Dura mater, the membrane surrounding the brain and the spinal cord, is innervated with nociceptors. Any kind of stimulation of these dural nociceptors is thought to produce headaches. Types of headaches are classified separately of which the three most common headaches are:

o Tension or muscle contraction headache
o Migraine headache
o Cluster headache

Apart from these types, it is not uncommon for some people to experience a combination of the above mentioned headache types.

What are migraine headaches?
A severe, recurrent headache that is generally accompanied by visual disturbance or nausea is a common symptom of a migraine headache. This type of headache tends to begin on one side of the head, although the pain may later spread to both sides. Migraine headache generally starts with an "aura" (warning symptoms before the actual onset of the headache) that is usually accompanied with a feeling of throbbing, pounding, or pulsating pain.

Webmaster associated with headache related site This site provides various information migraine [], stress, hay fever and headache [] Resources are available on site

Headache and Pain Relief Treatment


Go through Headache Causes - Trigger Foods Headache Sufferers Should Avoid extra

Headache Causes - Trigger Foods Headache Sufferers Should Avoid



As someone who suffers from recurring, painful headaches, you know that the one thing you want to avoid more than anything, is triggering a headache through your own actions.

Though it may seem a little cliche, "the more you know", the more you can make a conscious effort to avoid that miserable throbbing in your head.

Along with the standard triggers, like changes in the weather, or your normal sleep habits being disrupted, the foods and drinks you ingest can also be causes of your headache pain.

Chemical Triggers: Nitrates and Tyramine

Tyramin and nitrates are a 1-2 punch when it comes to setting off your headaches. Tyramine is the worse of the two offenders.

Both are found in many foods that are likely part of your daily life. Some of those foods include:
liver (well, it may not be part of your daily diet!)
red wine
soy sauce
sour cream
aged cheese
vinegar, including condiments that have vinegar as an ingredient
Food Additives: Monosodium Glutamate

MSG is a commonly used flavor enhancer. Experts estimate that over 20,000 tons of MSG are added to our foods each year. Most of us are familiar with the MSG found in Chinese food, but it's also present in:
roasted nuts
processed soups, sauces & dressings
frozen foods
potato chips

Stomach discomfort is a common complaint of people that are sensitive to MSG--so much so that most Chinese food restaurants are either MSG-free, or they offer MSG-free options on their menu.

But for others, ingesting Monosodium Glutamate is a prescription for a splitting headache.

Bar-Hopping = Headaches

Another common trigger for headaches is alcohol. While in some cases this is due to the Tyramine, as discussed earlier, it's also because of the impact drinking alcohol has on your body. Alcohol, anything from champagne or wine, mixed drinks or hard liquor, dehydrates you, and dehydration can cause pretty serious headaches -- even in people that aren't regularly dealing with headache pain. The worst triggers, though, are brandy and red wine. I never drink red wine--a sip or two is enough to send me to bed for the night with a cold cloth on my forehead.

More Than the Usual Suspects

There are other foods that might trigger headaches, but there isn't really a good way to categorize them. Some of the usual suspects are:
milk and other dairy products
wheat- and soy-based products
foods high in fat
citrus fruits, like oranges or grapefruit
artificial sweeteners.

Even a high intake of vitamin supplements can give you a doozy of a headache, especially vitamins A and B. Just because they're good for you, doesn't mean they can't be bad for you.

Caffeine: Should it Stay or Should It Go

Caffeine is an interesting conundrum. While it can be a cause of headaches, it's also found in many headache remedies -- especially migraine-specific remedies like Excedrin Migraine.

Think of it as too much caffeine being the headache trigger. Drinking too much coffee or cola, or eating too much chocolate might cause your headache.

But... if you are a heavy coffee or cola drinker, and you try to cut back, or you go without your "fix" for too long, you can get a headache from caffeine withdrawal as well.

No Chocolate, No Coffee, No Chinese Food? No Fun!

After looking over the list of trigger foods, it certainly might seem like many of the foods you enjoy are on the list of things you have to avoid.

If you truly enjoy a food, just remember that it's likely to trigger a headache, and be prepared. Often knowing that the headache is coming makes it a little easier to deal with than if it comes out of no where.

If you make a conscious effort to avoid food triggers that you can live without, you may find that you have less headaches overall.

If you would like to learn more about the causes of headaches, click here!

Examine Thunderclap Headache - The Worse Headache of Your Life a lot more

A thunderclap headache can drive you to your knees in a matter of seconds. This type of pain is of a sudden onset, and peaks within 60 seconds. The pain can be on either side of the head, back of the head or even all over.

The pain is disabling but may linger up to 10 days. What we worry about with thunderclap headaches is the cause behind them. This may truly be a dangerous headache or an emergency headache. What is also of concern is if you have never had this kind of pain before.

Causes of Thunderclap Headaches

At times a severe migraine may appear suddenly like a thunderclap headache. What may worry medical professionals is the potential underlying cause:

Bleeding between the brain and membranes covering the brain

A bulge in a blood vessel in the brain(aneurysm) which may start to leak or rupture 

A tear in the lining of an artery known as dissection

A tear in the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord, causing a cerebrospinal fluid leak

A cyst blocking the flow of cerebrospinal fluid

Bleeding in the pituitary gland
o Infection, such as meningitis or encephalitis

Diagnosis and Testing

CT of brain. This is probably ordered emergently to rule out a bleed of any sort, or a cyst in the brain. CT's are a form of X-ray radiation whereas an MRI uses magnets and the differences between water and tissue to visualize the brain. This gives much sharper images than a CT. Angiogram: If your doctor suspects an aneurysm, an angiogram may be ordered. This is an injection of dye to get a very close look at the arteries.


Treatment of this type of headache is directed at the underlying cause, so there is no one treatment that fits all so to speak.

Aneurysms are generally watched and followed with regular imaging studies if they are 5mm or less. Anything over that requires the opinion of a neurosurgeon as to whether or not they should have an operation. Treatment for this involves clipping the aneurysm or coiling inside it. Strokes or bleeding are managed depending on the site and length of time from the bleed. Meningitis or encephalitis would require an in hospital stay with proper monitoring and medications.

Remember, a thunderclap headache can be a dangerous emergency headache, so see a doctor soon if this happens to you.


Mary K. Betz, MS RPA-C is a practicing Physician Assistant in neurology who specializes in headache medicine at a large headache center. Take charge of your headaches by learning more at

Thunderclap Headache - The Worse Headache of Your Life

Understand Sinus Headache Symptoms additional


There are some unlucky people who suffer from bad headaches resulting from sinusitis which is an inflammation that occurs in your sinus. Firstly though, it might be a good idea to figure out where the sinus is so you have a better understanding of why you're suffering from sinus headaches.

Basically, our sinus fits into four different parts of air-filled space in our foreheads, behind our eyes and cheek bones and also between our eyes. Once your sinus is inflamed, it can easily lead to a bad headache because this condition allows viruses and bacteria to spread rapidly.

Now that you know exactly why the headache occurs, it would then be easier to watch out for the symptoms of this type of headaches. However, do bear in mind that headaches occur due to various reasons and some of the signs do tend to overlap.

The very first thing you should look out for when it comes to the symptoms of headaches related to sinus is a concentration of pain where your sinuses are located. Other headaches would not have this symptom so if you feel a dull, throbbing pressure right behind your eyes, for example, then there is a high likelihood that you are indeed suffering from a headache arose from sinus. Normally, the pressure on your head would increase if you move your head.

You might also notice that having a bad cold would give you a bad headache. This is actually one of the symptoms of sinus headaches. Due to the fact that the buildup of bacteria in your sinus causes the mucus to spread, you are more likely to have a splitting headache when you wake up. Another symptom you should look out for would be if your headache gets worse if you move about in different temperatures i.e. from your office building with air conditioning to the outdoors where it is hot and humid.

Now, those that we have just discussed are major symptoms of sinus headache whereby you are sure to notice them if and when you suffer from such headaches. However, there are another symptoms which you should be aware of as well. If you have a sore throat and there is discharge coming out from your nose, then you could very well be suffering from sinusitis. Also, sinus headaches do come hand in hand with mild fever and you might also start feeling a little tired.

Of course at the end of the day, this is just a guideline for you to look out for symptoms of sinus headache. Hopefully, this will help you determine if you are really a sinus headache sufferer.

There are various types of headaches. The more famous one include those related to sinus, tension and so on. If you would like to find out symptoms of sinus headache, you can check it out at

Sinus Headache Symptoms

Read The Acupressure Mat - Effective Headache Cure! additional

Headache Cures

A short overview of what headache is, and how acupuncture, more specifically an acupressure mat, can alleviate or even cure headaches.

Let's first define a headache!

To put it simply, a headache is a pain in the head caused by a variety of causes. These can be tension, muscle contraction, circulation problems, trauma, infections, even some medications can cause headaches (particularly when they are being withdrawn)!

One common way to define headaches is to split it into three groups: tension headaches, migraines and cervicogenic.

Tension-type headaches are the most common. People who suffer this kind of headache usually have mild to moderate pain on both sides of the head. The pain is commonly described as having a "band" around head which is being inexorably tightened.

Practically everybody has experienced this type of headache at some time in their lives, and some people are more affected than others.

Migraines affect far fewer people than tension-type headaches and have a much shorter duration but the symptoms are more severe.

They are more common among women and are usually one-sided. In severe cases migraines can force the sufferer to stay in bed for days.

The last type of headache to be separately described is the "cervicogenic" type. Pain that originates from muscles in your neck or from your spine can be felt in your head.

Who suffers from headaches?

Nearly everyone will suffer a headache at some point in time. There are studies that suggest as many as 50 million Americans may be suffering from more or less chronic headaches.

What can acupuncture do for headaches?

Acupuncture has been used to treat headaches from the earliest beginnings of traditional Chinese medicine.

All different kinds of headache are relieved effectively by acupuncture. One big plus with acupuncture is that there are no side effects.

Conventional medicine does not know how acupuncture works, but there have been lots of studies that show it is effective.

The "Hedgehog Mat" uses the same basic treatment principle as acupuncture, but instead of needles it uses acupressure points.

Simply relax on the mat, and the numerous acupressure points (more than 6000), will trigger your immune system.

Since the mat is in your home you can use it at any time, no need to make appointments and take time off work.

This amazing and powerful headache cure has been developed in Sweden, based on research done in Russia and the US.

Acupuncture works well for headaches, but what if you could do the same without needles, in the comfort of your home?

This headache cure [] - the acupressure mat - does this!

The Acupressure Mat - Effective Headache Cure!

Headache Cures

Go through Panic Attack & Headache - Headache is Just One Symptom of Panic Attacks - Learn How to Treat It a lot more

Panic Attack Headache | Headache | Other Symptoms


Although not a primary symptom of panic disorder, headaches can accompany a full blown panic attack.  More commonly, panic attacks occur with stomach upset and chest pains.

However, dizziness is a primary cause of anxiety attack so it makes perfect sense that headache go along with that particular symptom.

Other Symptoms

Other symptoms include feelings of unreality, feeling like you're going to die, feeling like your outside of your body, flushing, tingling, and numbness.

"Panic attacks have many different symptoms, although the underlying cause is a nervous system which is out of balance.  These trying episodes generally last around ten to fifteen minutes in duration."

As we can plainly see, there are many symptoms that go along with panic attack, headache being one, along with other physical effects.  However, the real cause is a nervous system and brain which is temporarily unbalanced.

How do we go about getting back into balance?  Well, the following natural treatments work quickly and safely.

Panic Attack Headache | Stop Your Headache & All Other Symptoms With This Natural Panic Disorder Plan

Changing Our Diets

Water is of primary importance - drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces every day.
Eat 5 -10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day to get your alkaline mineral content.
Focus on eating: root vegetables, lean protein, fish, fish oils, green veggies, fruit, olive oil, and flax seeds.
Cut out: fast foods, coffee, hard alcohol, white flour, and refined sugars.
Natural Nerve Healing For Panic Attack

Exercise as much as you can.  Even 3 -4 days a week of walking works very well.  Do it.
Do short 1 -3 day juice fasts.  Try these herbs: valerian root, chamomile, and hops.
Do self massage, take hot/cold showers, and do deep breathing.

*Note: Before you start this plan, go grab your companion mini-course by clicking below.

Click here for your free mini-course on instant panic elimination.

Train your brain to go from fearful to calm with => The One Move Technique (TM) <>

Panic Attack & Headache - Headache is Just One Symptom of Panic Attacks - Learn How to Treat It


Go through Headache - Choosing A Pain Reliever additional

Headaches are a real pain, literally. If they're bad enough they can literally incapacitate you for the entire day. Proof of how bad they are can be seen in your local drug store where there are rows and rows of pain relievers to get rid of headaches. The choices are beyond comprehension. But the problem with all these choices is that for the uninformed consumer, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to decide on what pain reliever to buy. While we can't possibly cover every pain reliever on the market, we'll cover some of the more common ones including the potential side effects, which is really what most people need to be aware of.

Back in the good old days before there were so many choices, you had aspirin and that was it. Yes, there were many brands such as Bayer, Bufferin, Anacin, etc., but for the most part they were pretty much the same, with the main differences being in the amount of pain reliever in each pill and any special additives. One of the most common additives to aspirin is buffering, which is where we get Bufferin from. This buffering is a coating placed over the aspirin to make it so that it is easier on your stomach. And therein lies the main problem with taking aspirin for headaches.

As medical science has progressed, we have discovered that there are certain things that common drugs, even over the counter drugs, can do to you. One of the most common side effects of taking aspirin is stomach problems, which can be as mild as an upset stomach or as serious as ulcers, or worse. It is because of these recently detected problems in taking aspirin for headaches that these other pain relievers have been invented. These alternatives are not hard on the stomach, but do have other side effects.

One of these alternatives is Tylenol, which is the brand name for acetaminophen. While this drug is a lot easier on your stomach than aspirin, it has been recently discovered that over time, this drug can cause liver damage. It should be pointed out that studies show that a person would have to take about eight Tylenol a day for about 30 years to do serious liver damage. Still, the possibility is there, so you have to be careful when taking Tylenol or another brand name containing acetaminophen for your headache.

On thing most people don't realize is that in addition to this pain reliever in Tylenol and drugs like it, another reason these drugs are effective in relieving headaches is because they contain caffeine. What the caffeine does is constrict the dilated blood vessels. This helps in relieving the pain in combination with the acetaminophen. Sometimes just having a couple cups of hot coffee can do just as good a job as the Tylenol. Just so you know, it is the acetaminophen that causes the liver damage, not the caffeine.

There are other drugs that can be taken for a headache but they are all either in the aspirin family or in the non-aspirin family which includes acetaminophen and ibuprofen. All of these drugs do have side effects, so please consult with your doctor before taking any of them.


Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Headaches []

Headache - Choosing A Pain Reliever


Go through The Various Types of Headache Pain extra

The Various Types of Headache Pain


Headache pain is put into one of two groups, primary or secondary. All headache symptoms belong to one of these mentioned groups. With primary headaches the headache is the primary disorder, but with secondary headache pain the headache is the result of some other health disorder. Secondary forms can be caused by lots of disorders and conditions such as tumors of the brain, allergies, infectious diseases, drug-caused (whether prescription or over-the-counter), and lots of other unknown conditions. This article will talk about frequent primary headache symptoms and signs and how to make a distinction between them.

The most universal primary headaches are tension-type, also known as stress-type, and migraine headache, which comprise the majority of the occurrences. The primary grouping also includes sinus and cluster types, but they are much rarer. Somewhere in the vicinity of 9 out of every 10 adults undergo tension-type headache pain and women will suffer from them two times as frequently as men. Migraine headaches are the second most common form and will occur in approximately 10% of the populace, which translates into about 30 million Americans.

Stress headache pain types have a few comparable symptoms and signs as migraine pain and can therefore occasionally be mistaken for them. Tension-type pain is normally mild to moderate in severity while migraine attacks are moderate to severe. Typical tension headache pain symptoms and signs typically consist of a dull aching pain, are bilateral, and create the feeling of your head being in a vise. The standard sensation is a pressure-type feeling from the backside of the head all the way to the front. On the other hand, migraine discomfort is most often a throbbing and pulsating one-sided head pain. These are differences that will most likely be able to make it possible to tell them apart.

Migraine attacks can be accompanied by visual disorders, loss of strength, and sense of balance problems while tension headaches are classically not coupled with these headache symptoms. Migraine attacks can be severe enough to be disabling, but tension types are very infrequently severe enough that normal work activities can't be performed. Migraine attacks can include nausea and throwing up while stress or tension headaches will not. Migraine pain usually begins at a young age, generally between 12 years of age to young adulthood, but they can certainly emerge earlier.

Swollen facial sinus cavities are the disorders that cause sinus headache pain. The Sinus cavity locations are in the forehead, base of the nose, and cheek areas. Sinuses produce mucus that drains into the nose, but when sinus cavities become infected and inflamed, normal mucus flow is prevented. This will cause the mucus to build up, increasing pressure, with the end result being sinus headache pain.

The nature of headache symptoms that are customarily seen with sinus infections are headache pain, classically in the area of the sinuses, increased nasal mucus discharge, swelling in the face, and an increase in body temperature.

Cluster headaches are also in the primary class and can be the source of very severe ache. They are often known as suicide headaches due to their intense pain. Luckily, they affect less than 1% of the populace, making them infrequent. Most of the time they show up in men and their main symptom is intense head pain. They are typically not mistaken with migraine headache pain because they come on very rapidly. They are sometimes confused for tumors due to the fact that the pain is severe and they are felt on one side of the head.

In many instances it can be tricky to accurately identify these different forms of primary head pain. Even professionals often have trouble for the reason that differing forms of head pain may perhaps give comparable symptoms and signs.

Joshua Harding, D.C. has effectively helped headache pain sufferers get pain relief for 25 years. As a headache authority there is nothing he loves more than helping people get relief from their pain. He offers a free 10-part headache email course on his website for helping headache sufferers locate liberation from their headache symptoms.

Read through Sinus Headache Symptoms, Knowing is the First Step to Prevention a lot more

The pain can be almost indescribable at times. Whenever a sinus headache appears, most people have nothing on their mind but making it go away. Sinus headaches can flare up for any number of reasons but once they appear they tend to stick around for awhile. If you suffer from sinus headaches than I'm sure that you can tell when one is about to appear, even well in advance. At times, however, it may be difficult to separate a sinus headache from a migraine headache without knowing the sinus headache symptoms. Here's how you can tell the difference.

The sinuses are amazing part of the human body. The cavities themselves actually are behind our cheeks and stretch way up into your forehead. They help to give our face its unique shape and protect our brain from blunt force trauma. All that is of little consolation, however, if you are suffering as a result of your sinuses.

Most sinus headaches come on as a result of a sinus infection, or sinusitis. The following are sinus headache symptoms that accompany this particular type of infection. It's interesting to note, before we get into actually giving you the symptoms, that they do tend to come on in the morning when you first get up. The symptoms include a nasal discharge that is yellow or green in color, fever, persistent cough, a sore throat and fatigue. It is not surprising that the symptoms are actually often mistaken for a migraine headache all there are a few notable differences.

Sinus headache symptoms tend to be steady in nature, such as the pressure that you are feeling in your nasal passages. A migraine headache will be throbbing or pounding, as it is often described, and typically gets worse whenever you bend forward. Sinus headache pain also tends to stay steady, unlike a migraine headache, whenever exposed to light conditions and loud noises.

Understanding what the sinus headache symptoms are can help you to get to the bottom of your problem. Treating a sinus headache as if it were a migraine would do you little good as it is really necessary for you to get to the bottom of the problem in order to cure it. Once you know that you have a sinus headache, you can treat it like a sinus headache.

Headache Cures

You can find even more information at Sinus Headache Cures [] for even more information go to Sinus Headache Cures []. Much more information all for free.

Sinus Headache Symptoms, Knowing is the First Step to Prevention

Headache Cures

Go through Natural Migraine Headache Cure - 2 Stunning Methods That Always Work extra

Natural migraine headache cures have been found to be harmless and cheaper than the traditional medications (pain killers).

There are various natural treatment methods for migraines. Each one is unique. Depending on the person, some treatment forms are efficient while others are inefficient. Here are some natural treatment methods for migraines:

Chiropractic method for headache relief: "Chiropractic is a health care discipline and profession that emphasizes diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine, under the hypothesis that these disorders affect general health via the nervous system" - Wikipedia. Sorry for the Greek. Here's the English translation:

Chiropractic is health care discipline that focuses on the disorders of the musculoskeletal system(organ system that gives us the ability to move) and the nervous system and the effects they have on general health like headaches, etc.

Chiropractic mainly involves the manipulation of the spine. The spine and the head are directly connected. If the spine is stressed, our brains feel the stress. Treating problems in the spine has been found to relieve many headache sufferers. You may be interested in visiting a chiropractic.

Another alternative form of treatment for migraine cure is Biofeedback. Biofeedback is a training program that helps a person develop the ability to control his involuntary nervous system.

This technique gives the person the ability to control their heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature and also helps them relax their tensed muscles. By relaxing the tense muscles(especially in the neck), you can relieve the tension that causes Migraine headaches.

Is Biofeedback a Modern form of Yoga?

Yes, Biofeedback is a form of modern yoga. In ancient India, yogis were able to control their involuntary system by following intense yogic practices. Thanks to the technological inventions, we are now able to control our involuntary system without practicing intense yoga and meditation. You just need to listen to certain audio tapes with a set of good quality headphones to enter into those deep states.

Headache Cures

What you don't know yet - I know that what I am about to reveal to you can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth! Do you know that you can cure any sort of headache within three weeks? Seems impossible right? Well see for yourself follow this link - Click Here [].

Natural Migraine Headache Cure - 2 Stunning Methods That Always Work

Headache Cures

Understand Common Migraine Headache Relief Methods much more

Common Migraine Headache Relief Methods


Migraine is a kind of headache that consists of acute pain on one side of the head coupled with severe nausea, vomiting and pain in both eyes. There are many methods for migraine headache relief. Some of them are very simple exercises that can be done at home itself.

One of the most common methods of migraine headache relief is to drink lots of water. Migraine is usually caused by body dehydration and hence drinking water cleanses the body system. When the body is cleansed, the blood circulation is regulated throughout the body and this hugely benefits the nervous system. Since the nerves get enough relaxation from proper blood circulation, the pain reduces automatically.

Another common migraine headache relief measure is to apply hot or cold packs on the forehead to give the much needed soothing effect for the nerves. A towel should be dipped in warm water and it should be applied on the forehead. This, when done continuously gives a huge soothing effect to the nerves. Similarly an ice pack can also be kept on the forehead whenever one experiences pain, so that the nerves are cooled and get enough relaxation.

A simple exercise proves to be a great migraine headache relief method. This exercise is nothing but rotation of neck muscles at least thrice a day for twenty minutes each. The nerves around the neck and those of the head are interconnected. Whenever a person experiences a migraine headache, he also experiences a pain in his neck area. This is because of the tension on the nerves around the neck. A simple exercise whereby one rotates his neck upward, downward and sideward directions daily for at least twenty minutes.

Listening to good classical or soft music can also prove to be a huge migraine headache relief measure. Nowadays-even doctors are recommending music therapy for migraine and spinal ailments. The soft music soothes the nerves and has a relaxing effect on them. There are various scientific studies that have proved that music has medicinal properties too. This property is tapped and the patient is made to listen to soft music for quick recovery from migraine pain.

Another common migraine headache relief is where the person is made to take rest in a dark room. Exposure to light increases the pain caused due to migraine; hence the patient must be immediately shifted to a dark room when he experiences pain. Darkness gives a cooling effect and a soothing sensation to the tensed nerves. Walking is another simple exercise, which gives the body the much needed blood circulation regulation.

Walking also helps the body to absorb pure oxygen into the body, thereby rejuvenating the whole system. Once blood circulation and oxygen absorption increases, the nerves automatically get relaxed and pain reduces. These are some of instant migraine headache relief measures. However, if pain persists, it is always best to consult a specialist and get it sorted out at the earliest. If the pain continues to exist even after the above relief measures, then it should be more serious than normal cases.

My name is Claudio and you can find out more on how I got rid of my migraines and headaches without the use of medications and with 100% natural methods by visiting The Migraine Relief, it will change your life forever!

Read Migraine Cure - A Safe, Natural, and Effective Migraine Treatment much more

Does a migraine cure actually exist or are the experts right when they tell us there's no definitive cure? Finding out the answer will require us to evaluate things in a rational and controlled fashion. Our first step will be to understand the terminology "migraine" and "cure." As soon as we understand the medical definitions for these words we will be able to figure out whether or not a migraine treatment really exists that will enable you to cure the problem forever.

If we look in a dictionary, no matter whether it's online or in printed form, medical or standard, the word "migraine" is typically defined as a disorder presenting periodic severe headache, usually one-sided, and frequently accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It is unknown what causes migraine, but enlargement of intracranial blood vessels typically occurs previous to the headache pain.

The next word we must define is "cure" and is a way of restoring health. To cure a condition is to restore somebody's health or have healing take place by some kind of health treatment or other course of treatment. As well as restoring health, a cure is additionally attained when there is a remission of symptoms and signs of a disease, particularly if the symptoms of the disease do not appear for a prolonged interval of time.

Now that we've defined these two terms we can agree on what "migraine cure" truly means. If anyone is to achieve a migraine headache cure they must have headache pain that is recurring, moderate to severe in intensity, usually on one side of the head, and often including nausea and vomiting. Once it has been proven that the type of headaches are in actual fact migraines they need to be cured, or at a minimum have the symptoms of the illness go away for a lengthy period of time.

If someone's health is the reason for migraine attacks, restoring their health to where they have complete migraine relief for a long duration of time by means of a migraine headache treatment means they were cured of the disorder. It shows us that the treatment for migraine will have produced the elimination of any symptoms of the disorder, or has provided full migraine headache relief, for a prolonged amount of time. If this transpires, a migraine cure was accomplished as per the definitions as mentioned previously. All migraine treatments or migraine remedies that cause an individual's migraine pain to go into remission for a prolonged duration of time proves to us that migraine cures really exist.

Now that we grasp what a migraine cure involves, let's examine a real life case in point to determine if a cure is actually possible. There are many factors that cause migraine attacks. Some normal triggers are alcohol, stress, bright lights, caffeine, and lots of others.

For this case in point let's assume that somebody develops migraine pain every time they drink drinks with caffeine like coffee and high energy drinks. If caffeine is the cause of the migraine symptoms, then it makes sense that discontinuing the consumption of caffeine will eliminate the signs and symptoms. And in reality, this is precisely what happens whenever caffeine is the trigger.

If an individual develops a migraine each and every time they ingest caffeine, and then stop consuming caffeine, if their signs and symptoms go away for an extended period of time they've cured their migraine disorder as outlined by our standard medical definitions as noted above.

In our example caffeine was the reason for the symptoms or the condition, but in reality there can be a large number of causes. Nevertheless, no matter what causes a person to develop migraine symptoms, if they make use of some form of migraine treatment that brings about a remission of symptoms for an extended amount of time, they have actually cured their condition.

Headache Cures

Discover how to get permanent migraine relief by learning about a safe, natural, and successful migraine cure [].

Migraine Cure - A Safe, Natural, and Effective Migraine Treatment

Headache Cures

Read Headache Home Remedies - Get Relief From Pain Naturally much more

Headache Cures

Headache or cephalgia is a common ailment, and most of us suffer from headache at one time or another. Pain or ache in any part of the head, forehead or neck may collectively be referred to as headache. Headache may occur due to multiple causes, and depending upon the cause, headache may be classified in to primary headaches, secondary headaches and cranial neuralgia, facial ache and other types. Primary headaches are not associated with any disease. They spring on their own. Examples of primary headaches are migraine, tension headaches and cluster headache. Secondary headache is caused due to some major disease or ailment such as brain tumors, meningitis, encephalitis, and hemorrhage in brain, strokes, caffeine withdrawal and discontinuation of analgesics. The third type, cranial neuralgia or facial pain, is caused due to the inflammation of nerves in the head and upper neck.


1. Emotional stress
2. Fatigue
3. Excessive smoking and alcohol intake
4. Hang-over
5. High blood pressure
6. Allergy
7. Constipation
8. Nutritional deficiency
9. Lack of sleep
10. Prolonged manual labor or physical stress
11. Cold and flu
12. Chronic cough
13. Ear infection
14. Tooth infection
15. Sinus infection and blockage
16. Pneumonia and fever
17. Mumps
18. Measles
19. Tonsillitis
20. Eye infection
21. Eye strain
22. Glaucoma
23. Bright light and loud sound
24. Traumatic injury
25. Strokes
26. Muscle contraction around the skull
27. Spinal tap or injection.

Home Remedies

1. Drinking of herbal teas such as chamomile or peppermint tea can relieve headache.

2. Steam inhalation is an effective remedy for headache. It can do away with sinus blockage.

3. Drinking two tablespoon apple cider vinegar mixed with raw honey in a cup of water can cause headache to vanish quickly

4. Drinking a glass of warm water mixed with two tablespoon pure maple syrup and few drops of lemon juice and then immediately taking a nap can cure headache.

5. Placing henbane leaves on the head, and then covering it with a moist warm cloth can cause headache to disappear.

6. Usage of a warm poultice made of ginger powder can reduce headache. The poultice is to be placed on forehead.

7. Applying a paste of sandalwood on forehead can cure headache.

8. Consumption of grated coconut mixed with sugar can reduce headache.

9. A solution made out of half teaspoon mustard seed powder and three teaspoon water may be applied in the nostrils. This is an effective way of treating headache.

10. Intake of a teaspoon of Brewer's yeast daily can reduce headache due to iron deficiency.

11. Intake of freshly sliced apples every morning is an effective cure for chronic headache.

12. Nasal irrigation is a way to clear nasal congestion and reduce headache.

13. Massaging head with the pressure of thumb and forefinger can relieve headache.

14. Soaking feet in lukewarm water and placing a cold towel on forehead can lessen headache.

Read more about Home Remedies for Headache. Also know effective Home Remedies for Stress.

Headache Home Remedies - Get Relief From Pain Naturally

Headache Cures

Read Sinus Headache extra

Sinus Headache


Time to get started on this topic. Take a few moments to read every aspect of this paper hopefully it will be of great help.

Whenever we have a stuffy nose we feel that we are coming in for a cold. At these moments we will begin treatment for what we consider is a cold. Many times these medications can temporarily provide alleviation from the symptoms of the "cold" but they push aside the underlying cause.

That is the stuffed up nose is the cause of a sinus headache. A sinus headache occurs only when the sinus passage becomes congested with too much mucus. As the sinus transition is hollow they provide your nose with another way of breathing. Also the passage way is lined with membranes that make mucus. The nasal openings at the ends of your nose allows the mucous secretion to drain out without causing you any problems. In general a sinus headache is due to the fact that there is some swelling in the sinus cavity. This swelling can be found close to the nose and the eyes.

Other causes of sinus headaches are various allergies or infections.

For any sinus headache that is caused by an allergic reaction or an infection there is a strong chance that you may get a fever, stuffy nose or even toothaches.Sinus headache hurt is described as being a dull, deep or even severe hurting that is placed in the front of the face and the head. The inflammation in the sinus passage causes pain around the cheeks, eyes and the nose areas. Bending down or leaning over generally is found to gain the hardness of the pain. Sometimes sinus headache pain is found to become worse in cold weather conditions. Damp is also a contributing factor for sinus headaches.

By and large the sinus headache is very painful in the morning hours and it becomes better towards the afternoon. Two other types of headaches are sometimes mistaken for sinus headaches.These are vascular headaches and migraine headaches. Many sufferers of migraine headaches have found that their migraine headaches can cause similar types of head pain and sometimes nasal congestion. These people also state that changes in the weather condition or season can contribute towards their migraine headaches.In order to treat sinus headaches it is best to find the underlying cause first.

Once this problem has been identified it is possible to provide treatment for that condition first. This problem may be an allergy or an infection.

The use of nasal vasoconstrictors and pain pill medicine can be used. When the condition has been cleared then the treatment for sinus headache pain can begun.While a sinus headache can be problematic the condition is wholly treatable. Also they are simply annoying headaches rather than debilitating.

With reason our bodies and the various responses that can be found to sinus headaches we can find n-ways to prevent any future episodes of sinus headache pain. With this knowledge at our disposal we can plan a sinus headache free life.

I trust this article provided you with the info you were looking for.

I have many other articles online that may be of interest to you.

Michael Malega presents several sinus headache articles for your information. You can visit Michael's web site here sinus headache []

Go through More Sinus Headaches Home Remedies far more

One of the best sinus headaches home remedies, is called acupressure. All you got to know is your sinus points and then you can use this acupressure method to treat your self and rid yourself of the pain, and the best thing about the acupressure method is that it has no side effects. This is one of those sinus headaches home remedies that you can do completely on your own and if you are doing it properly, you can get almost instant relief. I have described the steps in detail in the points that follow, try doing it and I promise you, you'll be glad you did.

1. First of all you have to get a clear idea of where your sinuses really are. This is essential in order for this one of your sinus headaches home remedies, to work.

2. For this I recommend that you lie down on a flat surface preferably without the support of a pillow.

3. The next thing you should do is run your fingers gently over your face, taking note of the various rises and falls.

4. Now let your fingers linger in the portion above your eyes but just below the eyebrow.

5. Feel the bone over there and let you fingers sense out a notch in that bone.

6. This space extends from there towards the nasal bone.

7. This is your first sinus point

8. Now let your fingers trail down further till they reach the depressions if we can call them that on both sides of the nose halfway between the eyes and your mouth. This is your second sinus point.

9. Now what you have to do is apply pressure to these sinus points.

10. You have to be careful when you do this and please take care to use only the soft balls of your fingers and not the tips, which may have long nails.

11. First of all apply pressure gently.

12. You might experience a particular pricking sensation as you do.

13. If it hurts, you may stop immediately.

14. If not you may continue applying more and more pressure till you can tolerate it.

15. Then gently let go and lie there for a minute experiencing the pain fading away.

16. Repeat this with the second sinus point.

17. A point that you may bear in mind is that if your sinuses are infected these regions will be slightly swollen.

And lastly it is also a good idea to use water to rinse your nose. This is a very effective way of clearing your sinuses and saving your self from a bout of dust allergy as well. All you have to do is cup your hand and hold a little bit of water in it. Dip you nose in and inhale the water very gently.

Remember the water must only ascend the passage of your nose and must not go any further. You can control the ascent of the water by controlling your breath. After this breathe out and let the water out. Repeat this a couple of times. You might snort the first two or three times but after that you will soon get the hang of it.

Headache Cures

Mike Lindsey runs the site: [] Healthy Advice about Healthy Living

More Sinus Headaches Home Remedies

Headache Cures

Understand Migraine Headache at Back of Head - Typical Symptoms and Instant Headache Cures far more

Migraine Headache at Back of Head - Typical Symptoms and Instant Headache Cures


The back of head migraine headache can be quite debilitating, and is characterized by the symptoms listed below. Be on the lookout for these symptoms so you can apply the listed remedies to treat them effectively.

Pulsating, throbbing pains - These pains are usually felt at the base of the back of the head, and usually spread to other parts of the head as time goes by.

Loss of appetite - Because a migraine headache at the back of the head is usually very intense, it results in loss of appetite for the sufferer.

Stomach illness - This type of headache also comes with stomach problems like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms can make the headache feel even more unbearable.

Fatigue - The sufferer will start to feel fatigued as a result of the intense pain associated with a migraine headache at the back of the head.

Poor concentration - Obviously, people who are suffering from this type of headache have a hard time focusing on anything else. This is why driving or any other activity requiring concentration should be avoided while the headache is at its worst.

Sensitivity to light and sound - With this type of headache, the pain intensifies if the sufferer comes in contact with bright lights and loud noises.

Here are the best ways to treat a migraine headache at the back of the head:

-Take some time to rest without disruption

-Close eyes in a dark, quiet room and remain there until pain subsides

-Massage the neck and back of head slowly

-Apply a heat wrap or hot rag to the affected area

-Drink a lot of water and vitamin C juices

-Take aspirin as long as it has been approved for use of migraines by a doctor

Taking care of your migraine headaches at the back of your head means knowing the symptoms and the best way to treat them efficiently.

For more detailed information about the back of head migraine and the many different ways to achieve instant migraine-headache relief, try visiting, one of the most popular & informative migraine treatment websites on the web.

Read through How to Cure Headaches the Natural Way additional

If you get headaches you are not alone. About 90% of all Americans suffer with headaches. Some people experience them often while others frequent. Some consist of a dull ache while others are pounding and throbbing. Some are mild while others are totally incapacitating. And some include nausea, vomiting, and other unpleasant symptoms.

So what can you do when a headache occurs? There are many approaches, some natural and some not so natural. Medications can often relieve the pain temporarily, but it's usually best if you can find a safe and natural approach to prevent the headache from occurring in the first place. It doesn't matter if you suffer from migraine headache pain, tension headaches, or other types of headache, there are natural treatments that can be found for each.

One successful method for treating headaches is chiropractic care. Studies have consistently shown that chiropractic manipulation can bring improved headache relief with fewer side effects than commonly prescribed painkillers. Additionally, studies have shown that people receiving chiropractic treatment, when compared to prescribed medications, have longer-lasting pain relief.

Headaches have many causes. These may include triggers such as caffeine, foods, sugar substitutes, loud noises, bright lights, stress, sleep difficulties, smoking, and many others. It has been found that most headaches involve muscle tension in the neck and relieving this tension can also relieve the headache pain.

To relieve neck tension there are many things that can be done. Since the age of computers many people have found themselves sitting for hours on end in front of a computer screen. They can be forced to do this because of work or may do it for pleasure, but the result is the same: neck tension. This same neck tension can be caused by reading or any other activity that involves the head being fixed in the same position for extended periods of time.

To lessen the effects of sitting at a computer screen all day there are several things that can be done. The best approach is to limit the amount of time you spend in any one fixed position. Take short breaks every 30 minutes and stretch your neck for at least a couple of minutes. Move your head in a comfortable and gentle circular motion and from side to side to stretch those muscles.

Sometimes it's possible to relieve headache pain by doing some low-impact exercises, in particular walking. This can cause an overall feeling of relaxation. However, if you experience migraine headaches, any strenuous activities will usually cause an increase in the pain.

People that are stressed will commonly do two things. They will either clench their teeth or raise their shoulders. Pain close attention to these two activities and avoid doing them. Avoiding these two activities is simply mind over matter. If you notice your shoulders rising simply let them drop to your side. If you notice your upper and lower teeth touching each other, separate them. You can't clench your teeth if they're not touching.

There are many other natural methods for relieving migraine headache pain, tension headaches, and other types of headache. But one thing that seems to help relieve most headaches is learning how to relax. Start performing a few of these strategies for reducing neck tension and you may find yourself experiencing fewer headaches.

Click Here to get more information about how to cure your migraine headache disorder without resorting to addictive and dangerous painkilling medications.

How to Cure Headaches the Natural Way

Headache Cures

Read Migraine and Cluster Headache much more


Headache is a general problem of people around the world. The attack can occur in every age, every opportunity and both sex. To diagnose and treatment of headache, the physicians have to know the cause and characteristic of each type headache.

Migraine and cluster headache are the severe head pain. The basic physiology of migraine and cluster headache involve with the dysfunction of trigemino vascular system cause vasodilation (enlargement of blood vessel) and neurologic inflammation. But migraine is afflicted more than cluster headache. However many patients can suffer from mixed both type.

In general symptoms of migraine are attack lasting 4-72 hours, nausea and/or vomiting, most commonly unilateral (one sided) location, aggravated by causing avoidance for routine physical activities such as walking, running, sensitive to the light and may have aura(visual) before head pain.

Do you know the difference of migraine and cluster headache?

1. Sex

Male and female are afflicted with both type headaches. In migraine headache, Female afflicted than male but the occurrence of cluster headache, male afflicted than female.

2. Duration of headache

The periodicity of the headache may implicate hypothalamic dysfunction but migraine has longer duration of head than cluster. The attack time in migraine is 4 - 72 hours and in cluster headache is 20 min - 3 hours.

3. Frequent of attacks

Cluster attacks more frequently than migraine. Cluster headache attacks every 1-3 day, although migraine attacks to the patients every 1-8 month.

4. Occurrence of attacks

The period time of attack in cluster headache is about 2 weeks - 2 month but migraine headache occurs 2-8 times a month.

5. Lacrimation (tear drop)

The clinical symptom presentations of pain around the eyes cause lacrimation. It is found frequent in cluster headache but migraine is found less than cluster headache.

6. Blurred vision

The patient may have blurred vision from both headaches but migraine is found more often than cluster headache

7. Nausea/Vomiting

About 85% chance of nausea and vomiting present in migraine headache, although 2-5% chance of the symptoms are found in cluster headache.


The goal of treatment include: pain relief, reducing the frequency of attack and prophylactic the recurrent.
Normally, treatment with medication and evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic is the first guideline. Other treatment is without medicine by improvement the quality life and reducing the stress that trigger to migraine.


Not only migraine and cluster headache are the problems of head pain but the other headaches may cause from serious and life threatening condition such as brain tumor, sinus meningitis or stroke. So if you have signs and symptoms of headache you should go to see the physician.

Navivar Athi is a pharmacist. Any questions of health and medicines, you can consult him at Health-Care []. His websites include: Computer Games [] and Home-Garden [].

Migraine and Cluster Headache


Go through Minimizing The Pain During A Severe Headache additional

Experiencing headaches is one of the common complaints of people living in the modern world. Aside from the busy and stressful live they lead, more and more factors continue to emerge that contribute to this problem.

Experts agree that headaches are experienced when various structures of the head and neck become irritated. They have also categorized headache according to its types that have many different causes.


Although headache is quite common to many people, experts say that people should not ignore headaches especially if they become severe. Based on medical findings, the most common symptom of severe headache is related to a migraine attack--caused by the dilation of blood vessels on the brain.

Severe headache usually leads to vomiting, distorted vision, nausea, dizziness, and the like. What you can do is to take over-the-counter medication such as oral analgesics like aspirin, ibuprofen, or paracetamol can provide relief and are best if taken as soon as symptoms start to occur.

But when the headache becomes worse, make sure that you visit your health care provider because it can also be an indication of more serious illnesses like meningitis or the inflammation of the meninges or membrane around a person's brain; sub-arachnoid haemorrhage due a bleeding in the space between the brain and the arachnoid layer of the meninges, stroke, blood pressure, brain tumor, and temporal arteritis due to the inflammation of the arteries in the scalp.

Other causes of severe headache migraine, a condition that occurs and recurs in patterns; sinusitis that is a severe pain experienced behind your cheek bones or above the bridge of your nose usually associated with a blocked nose. steam and painkillers that should relieve the symptoms but if taken in wrong dosages can lead to severe and throbbing pain, fevers that are untreated like flu, tonsillitis, chest infections and the like, neuralgia or due to the irritation of the nerve that produces pain sensation in response to outside activities, and glaucoma or other acute eye problems that most of the time lead to severe frontal headaches and deteriorating eyesight.

Heath care experts agree that using any medication should only be part of a wellness program. They also agree that successful treatment of chronic headaches should be combined approaches of medication and life-style changes like avoiding any listed headache triggers, personal and family counseling, stress management, and relaxation therapies.

In order to treat any type of headache, it is a must that you know what causes it. Before taking in any painkillers or undergoing any headache treatment procedure, make sure that you have consulted with your physician or health care provider first so he/she can give you the appropriate prescription or can give you a referral to appropriate experts if your headache is caused by any other disorder.

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Minimizing The Pain During A Severe Headache

Read through Common Headache Triggers extra

What are triggers?

Triggers are simply conditions that can drive a person on the verge of a headache or migraine into a full blown attack. Triggers themselves do not cause headaches or migraines, but instead are like a match that lights the kindling. If the conditions in your body are already ripe for a headache or migraine, then a trigger is going to push you over the edge!

Does everyone have the same set of headache or migraine triggers?

No. Triggers appear to vary greatly from person to person. No two people have the same triggers. For this reason, if someone tells you that you are not experiencing migraines because a certain trigger does not cause an attack - this is wrong.

Is it easy to determine your headache triggers?

Not always. Sometimes the effect of a migraine trigger will not be felt for 24 hours. If this is the case, it can be difficult to remember everything that one came into contact with over the course of an entire day. For this reason it is recommended that headache and migraine sufferers keep a "headache diary." A headache diary is simply a document where you detail factors that might affect your headaches and migraines such as how much or how little you slept, what you ate, skipped meals, if you came into contact with fragrances or chemicals, the type of weather, stress levels, etc.

What are common triggers?


Stress appears to make it easier for people to develop headaches and migraines. If you know that you are going to be under stress, this is the time to make the effort of either reduce the effects of stress (by making an effort to continue to do activities that you enjoy, exercising to increase relaxation, etc) and avoid any other factor that you know will aggravate your headaches.

Changes in the weather

It may seem crazy, but changes in the weather really do seem to trigger headaches and migraines in many people. Why is this? Most likely this is due to changes in barometric pressure or sensitivity to light.

Strong Scents/Chemicals

Many people get headaches in response to the odor from chemicals, pollution, or strong fragrances. Most people assume this is due to allergy, when in fact these substances are actually migraine triggers. The best course of action is to avoid exposing oneself to strong chemicals or fragrances - lots of newer natural/organic cleaning products have significantly less odor.


Certain foods like red wine, alcohol, preserved meats, aged cheeses, nuts, etc can trigger migraines in some people. Not everyone appears to be affected by food triggers but it is worthwhile to keep a migraine diary so that these triggers can be effectively ruled out.


Anything from sleeping too little to sleeping too much can trigger a migraine.


Lana Howard is a life long migraine sufferer. Lana currently lives in Seattle, Washington where she enjoys researching the latest headache and migraine treatments. For more great information on headache trigger visit Real Headache Help for more information and don't forget to sign up for their free headache and migraine treatment mini-course!

Common Headache Triggers

Read Natural Cures For Migraines additional

Headache Cures

Natural cures for migraines are becoming more and more popular as people become aware of the benefits to home-made and natural remedies. With continued practice and refinement of these techniques becoming available to the general public, the cures are also incredibly quick and effective.

There are lots of different natural remedies, for some people all of the different remedies work, whilst for others certain ones work better than the rest. Bearing this in mind if you find a remedy that does not work, then do not give up. Instead go on to another remedy until you find one that is very effective.

Two of the most popular natural cures are muscular tension relief and heat therapy.

Muscular tension relief.

Many migraines are often caused from tight and tense muscles in the upper back and neck. The tension created here can sometimes feel like a bone structure problem but this is not the case. Often this can be mass of it out by yourself, but sometimes a professional massage therapist or even a chiropractor may be needed to relieve the tension if it is severe.

Heat therapy.

This is a very common remedy the migraines and can be done with both cold and hot treatments. The simplest form is to place either a cold or hot cloth directly onto the precise point of pain. This can give instant relief that sometimes a more long-term remedy is needed.

When looking at natural cures for migraines, be sure to look for a website, technique or book that will provide you with lots of different remedies so you can find one that suits your particular condition. It is also a good idea to look for information that provides long term relief.

Sure, stopping a migraine right now is beneficial. But, it is better to also rid yourself of this pain for good. If you want instant and long term relief from migraines, visit this website:


The testimonial on this page speaks for itself and the incredible pain relief methods designed especially for migraines are all natural and very, very effective.

Natural Cures For Migraines

Headache Cures