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The Chronic Headache


Nearly 65 million Americans suffer from some form of chronic headaches. If you have a chronic headache which occurs daily and consistently, the possibility of depression exists. Anti- depressant medication is often helpful for this type of headache.

Headache problems typically begin in the teens or 20s. It's basically a genetic disease with environmental triggers. A headache diary may help you identify the source of chronic headaches. When a headache occurs, its a good idea to write down the date and time the it began.

Chronic headache attacks can cause one to miss important days from school or work and may also prevent individuals from spending precious time with loved ones and can even hinder social obligations. People having these headaches may also overuse headache medicines when alarmed by warning signs or fears of an attack.

Because symptom patterns tend to change over time-especially in the case of chronic headaches-the history is particularly important. Along with a physical examination, the history helps determine the need for specialized tests-either to rule out progressive or life-threatening problems or to confirm the diagnosis. Opinion on the effectiveness of treatment-such as relaxation therapy, biofeedback, cognitive behavioral stress management, and lifestyle modification-for children and adolescents with chronic headache is divided. However, it has been said that it is not at all that uncommon for a pediatric neurologist to first recommend behavioral therapy paired with the use of over the counter pain medications. Medication management and other more traditional forms of treatment are available for patients with chronic headache.

Chronic headaches such as migraine and tension headaches are responsible for significant direct health care costs and even larger indirect costs because of lost productivity and burdens on patients and families. The are a result of diffused pain that range from mild headaches to medium intensity headaches.

Patients suffering from the chronic headache are three times more likely to report a high degree of symptoms related to headache, such as low energy, trouble sleeping, nausea, dizziness, pain or problems during intercourse, and pain in the stomach, back, arms, legs, and joints.

People with chronic tension headaches can have pain affecting both sides of the head and the neck. Tension headaches may be short-lived, or they may last for days or weeks.

Find the latest information on headaches and headache treatment visit Causes Of Migraine Headaches [] as well as Chronic Headache [].