The pain can be almost indescribable at times. Whenever a sinus headache appears, most people have nothing on their mind but making it go away. Sinus headaches can flare up for any number of reasons but once they appear they tend to stick around for awhile. If you suffer from sinus headaches than I'm sure that you can tell when one is about to appear, even well in advance. At times, however, it may be difficult to separate a sinus headache from a migraine headache without knowing the sinus headache symptoms. Here's how you can tell the difference.
The sinuses are amazing part of the human body. The cavities themselves actually are behind our cheeks and stretch way up into your forehead. They help to give our face its unique shape and protect our brain from blunt force trauma. All that is of little consolation, however, if you are suffering as a result of your sinuses.
Most sinus headaches come on as a result of a sinus infection, or sinusitis. The following are sinus headache symptoms that accompany this particular type of infection. It's interesting to note, before we get into actually giving you the symptoms, that they do tend to come on in the morning when you first get up. The symptoms include a nasal discharge that is yellow or green in color, fever, persistent cough, a sore throat and fatigue. It is not surprising that the symptoms are actually often mistaken for a migraine headache all there are a few notable differences.
Sinus headache symptoms tend to be steady in nature, such as the pressure that you are feeling in your nasal passages. A migraine headache will be throbbing or pounding, as it is often described, and typically gets worse whenever you bend forward. Sinus headache pain also tends to stay steady, unlike a migraine headache, whenever exposed to light conditions and loud noises.
Understanding what the sinus headache symptoms are can help you to get to the bottom of your problem. Treating a sinus headache as if it were a migraine would do you little good as it is really necessary for you to get to the bottom of the problem in order to cure it. Once you know that you have a sinus headache, you can treat it like a sinus headache.
Headache CuresYou can find even more information at Sinus Headache Cures [] for even more information go to Sinus Headache Cures []. Much more information all for free.