The Various Types of Headache Pain
HeadacheHeadache pain is put into one of two groups, primary or secondary. All headache symptoms belong to one of these mentioned groups. With primary headaches the headache is the primary disorder, but with secondary headache pain the headache is the result of some other health disorder. Secondary forms can be caused by lots of disorders and conditions such as tumors of the brain, allergies, infectious diseases, drug-caused (whether prescription or over-the-counter), and lots of other unknown conditions. This article will talk about frequent primary headache symptoms and signs and how to make a distinction between them.
The most universal primary headaches are tension-type, also known as stress-type, and migraine headache, which comprise the majority of the occurrences. The primary grouping also includes sinus and cluster types, but they are much rarer. Somewhere in the vicinity of 9 out of every 10 adults undergo tension-type headache pain and women will suffer from them two times as frequently as men. Migraine headaches are the second most common form and will occur in approximately 10% of the populace, which translates into about 30 million Americans.
Stress headache pain types have a few comparable symptoms and signs as migraine pain and can therefore occasionally be mistaken for them. Tension-type pain is normally mild to moderate in severity while migraine attacks are moderate to severe. Typical tension headache pain symptoms and signs typically consist of a dull aching pain, are bilateral, and create the feeling of your head being in a vise. The standard sensation is a pressure-type feeling from the backside of the head all the way to the front. On the other hand, migraine discomfort is most often a throbbing and pulsating one-sided head pain. These are differences that will most likely be able to make it possible to tell them apart.
Migraine attacks can be accompanied by visual disorders, loss of strength, and sense of balance problems while tension headaches are classically not coupled with these headache symptoms. Migraine attacks can be severe enough to be disabling, but tension types are very infrequently severe enough that normal work activities can't be performed. Migraine attacks can include nausea and throwing up while stress or tension headaches will not. Migraine pain usually begins at a young age, generally between 12 years of age to young adulthood, but they can certainly emerge earlier.
Swollen facial sinus cavities are the disorders that cause sinus headache pain. The Sinus cavity locations are in the forehead, base of the nose, and cheek areas. Sinuses produce mucus that drains into the nose, but when sinus cavities become infected and inflamed, normal mucus flow is prevented. This will cause the mucus to build up, increasing pressure, with the end result being sinus headache pain.
The nature of headache symptoms that are customarily seen with sinus infections are headache pain, classically in the area of the sinuses, increased nasal mucus discharge, swelling in the face, and an increase in body temperature.
Cluster headaches are also in the primary class and can be the source of very severe ache. They are often known as suicide headaches due to their intense pain. Luckily, they affect less than 1% of the populace, making them infrequent. Most of the time they show up in men and their main symptom is intense head pain. They are typically not mistaken with migraine headache pain because they come on very rapidly. They are sometimes confused for tumors due to the fact that the pain is severe and they are felt on one side of the head.
In many instances it can be tricky to accurately identify these different forms of primary head pain. Even professionals often have trouble for the reason that differing forms of head pain may perhaps give comparable symptoms and signs.
Joshua Harding, D.C. has effectively helped headache pain sufferers get pain relief for 25 years. As a headache authority there is nothing he loves more than helping people get relief from their pain. He offers a free 10-part headache email course on his website for helping headache sufferers locate liberation from their headache symptoms.