When it comes to finding an effective migraine headache remedy there are two main types. Migraine therapies can either be intended to give you instant relief from your symptoms or designed to correct or improve a health problem that will result in long term relief. The following 4 effective and natural treatment methods can give both immediate and long lasting relief and have proven to be successful over time.
1 - Chiropractic care
Chiropractic treatment has been utilized for over a hundred years as a way to stop migraine headaches and alternative sorts of pain or symptoms. Frequently it takes just one chiropractic adjustment to eliminate a headache, but with regular chiropractic adjustments it is frequently possible to eliminate migraine attacks once and for all.
Chiropractors teach us that misalignments of the spine can irritate spinal nerves, inflicting redness, muscle tightness, disorders such as headaches, and other related health issues. Correcting or improving these vertebral misalignments can relieve neck pain and headaches that are a direct result from the irritation to the nerves.
2 - Biofeedback therapy
Biofeedback is a migraine headache remedy that has given excellent results for a large number of years. Bodily functions such as breathing, heart rate, skin temperature, and blood pressure are autonomic functions of the body, which mean your body manages and controls them routinely without any assistance from you.
Biofeedback is a training program that shows individuals how to control these automatic body functions voluntarily. When somebody has learned these skills they will be able to use these biofeedback strategies to cause relaxation of their muscle tissue and thus reduce or eliminate a migraine or other discomfort caused by tension and stress.
3 - Uncover and eliminate food allergies
Specific foods can initiate migraine pain in some individuals and are called migraine triggers or food triggers. Finding these triggers and eliminating them is achieved with the assistance of a headache journal and is one more good migraine headache remedy.
The journal works by keeping track of when you breathe, eat, or drink anything. Any food or chemical you eat or come into contact with need to be written down. Furthermore, you have to make a note of each occasion you suffer with a migraine headache. Over time it's possible to discover which types of foods or chemical compounds are your triggers.
As soon as you have discovered a trigger it is a simple issue to eliminate it from your diet or usage. With a bit of persistence headache sufferers can many times discover and eliminate the reason for their migraine attacks by means of this tactic. Frequent triggers are avocados, wheat, nuts, cheese, legumes, chocolate, caffeine, MSG, and others.
4 - Ice bags
Placing an ice bag on the rear of the neck at the bottom of the skull is one more fine migraine headache remedy. The goal is to decrease the blood flow and thereby the amount of pressure in the head. A moist cloth should be placed between the skin and the ice pack as a protective barrier to inhibit the skin from getting too cold. To enhance the effect you can additionally place your feet in heated water or take a heated bathtub. This can help move the blood far from the head, causing any stabbing head pain to decrease.
Joshua has cared for headache patients as a doctor of chiropractic for over 25 years. He has developed a headache web site where you can find an effective and natural migraine headache remedy that may work for you. Also, get beneficial information about the causes and cures of migraine headaches.