Natural headache cures are becoming increasingly popular with people who want to get rid of their headaches.
Although pain killers can be a quick fix for a headache; these drugs tend to have side effects when used on a regular basis.
So, what are some drug-free natural headache cures?
If you have a stress-related headache, there are certainly something you can do for yourself. Stress headache, also known as tension headache, is the most common type of headache.
Very often, the daily demand of work and family is enough to put you under a lot of stress. When you have to perform under pressure all the time, you are likely to feel increasingly irritable, anxious, and have worrisome thoughts. The build up of negative emotions and a tired fatigue body can easily trigger a headache.
Most of us do not have the luxury to take a day off from work when we have a headache.
However, when you do get home from work, there are a number of things you can do to soothe the nagging headache.
Here are 5 natural headache cures. These are easy tips that have helped me get rid of my stress headache after a hectic day.
1) Take a hot shower or bath.
Adjust your shower head mode to "massage". This gives you a more powerful water spray. Direct the hot water spray at your neck and shoulders. Let the jets of water massage your sore muscles. The hot water can help the muscles to relax and unknot.
2) Eat something light.
I know you may not feel like eating when your head is throbbing. But, if you have already skipped a meal during the day, your body would be starving. And a low blood sugar will not help your headache. Eating a couple of crackers or slices of fresh fruits will help you regain some energy.
3) Drink a herbal tea.
Make yourself a big mug of hot herbal tea. Ginger root, Peppermint, Chamomile or Lavender are herbs that can help soothe headache pain. If you do not have any of these herbs, drink a cup of warm plain water. Dehydration, or not drinking enough water can cause you to have a headache.
4) Rest.
Dim the lights and rest in bed. If your head is still throbbing, put a warm pack or a ice pack on your neck or shoulders. The heat helps to relax tight muscles and improve blood circulation. And the cold pack helps to numb the nerves and reduce pain. Try it, and see which one works better for you.
5) Relax with music.
Your thoughts, emotions and worries can cause you mental fatigue and bring on a headache. Listening to relaxing music can help you shut out the constant chatter in your mind. Binaural beats music can help you de-stress and relax completely. I have found that listening to Totally Tranquil Mp3 has helped me eliminate the mind chatter and I often feel mentally refresh after wards.
We know that stress and anxiety can harm our health. Stress headaches are your body signals telling you to slow down, rest and recharge. You need to help your body and mind to de-stress. So, do make the time to try these simple tips for headache cures.
Headache CuresRelaxing the mind can help to soothe your headache. Get your Totally Tranquil free demo and experience how this melodious sounds with binaural beats can help you relieve a stress headache at Headache Cures.