Menstrual Migraines - Hormonal Headaches - Causes, Symptoms, and Cures
Headache CuresMenstrual migraines, sometimes referred to as hormonal headaches, often plague women during their monthly cycle. Of course, a woman can get many types of headaches during her female cycle, but menstrual migraine headaches can be especially painful and debilitating. Migraine headache pain during the menstrual cycle is caused by imbalances and fluctuations in hormone levels and can happen at any point during the cycle.
As a woman's hormone levels rise and fall, whether it be estrogen, progesterone, or other hormones, migraine headache pain can also rise and fall. Oftentimes, a doctor will simply ignore the hormone levels as a problem, giving a woman little hope that she will ever be able to overcome this problem. A typical approach used by many doctors is to prescribe a painkiller that may help relieve the pain, but which will not prevent future migraine attacks. Another approach is to refer the patient to a gynecologist. However, there are natural ways to overcome the migraine disorder.
Menstrual migraines include many of the same symptoms that are seen with classic migraines that are caused by other factors. Whether the headache is triggered by hormones or other things such as foods, stress, weather, or a host of other factors, the symptoms are pretty much the same. Common migraine symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, mood swings, fatigue, abdominal cramps, auras, and others.
Sometimes it's hard to determine whether or not the migraine headache pain is caused by hormonal imbalances because the headache may not always occur during the same phase of the menstrual cycle. For example, a migraine attack may occur at a specific time during the cycle one month, but not appear at that same point during the cycle the following month. In some women, for a migraine to develop, it may require a second trigger to be present in addition to hormonal imbalances. A woman may develop a migraine during her cycle when she's under a lot of stress, but not when she is relaxed. This can make it hard to determine if the migraine attack is caused by hormone imbalances, other factors, or a combination of hormone fluctuations and other triggers.
If a woman wants long-lasting relief from her migraine headache pain she should be looking at natural treatment approaches. There are some very successful methods for stopping migraine headaches during the menstrual cycle, most of which involve dietary changes. These same methods can also stop migraines caused by other triggers. But when talking about menstrual migraines specifically, through natural methods it's possible to detoxify the body which will help normalize and regulate hormone levels. This can restore a woman's natural hormone balance which can in turn put an end to menstrual migraines.
Women who put forth the effort to research and institute a detoxification process can benefit greatly when it comes to reducing or eliminating their migraine symptoms and other headache symptoms. In addition to the detoxification process, hormone balances can be restored to normal through a proper diet and by changing a few lifestyle habits. Stopping migraine headaches during a woman's menstrual cycle is certainly doable; it just requires a little knowledge and effort.
Have you ever experienced a migraine attack? If you want to learn how to get permanent migraine relief, visit Joshua's site to find out about his successful 4-step process for curing migraines.