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To those people who do not wish to pop pills to kill pain, this is a good and effective method to consider when a headache comes on.

The fingers of our hands and toes of our feet are mapped to our head by meridians running through the body. The right hand and its fingers are associated with the right half including the neck and head. Similarly the left hand and fingers are associated with the left half of the body including the neck and head. The same applies to the feet.

If the fingers of the hand were placed in front of the face with the palm facing away from the face, you can determine the relationship between each finger with each of the 10 zones or meridians on the head. The thumbs associate with the center of the head. The index fingers a little distance away to the left and the right, over the inside of the eyes. The middle fingers toward the center/outer edge of the eyes. The ring fingers near the temples. And the baby fingers associate with the left and right edges of the head and ears.

When we have a headache one effective technique is to use the clothes peg, preferably the wooden ones, if they can still be found. Alternatively, if you can find some kind of clip that doesn't apply too much pressure that it blocks the blood flow, you can use that too.

Knowing the association between the fingers and the zones or meridians on the head, you can use the pegs on specific fingers to deal with the ache in a specific location of the head. If the headache is on the right side of the body, over the eye or behind the eye, place the clothes peg on the index and middle fingers of the right hand and leave it on for as long as possible. The continuous pressure has a sedative effect and would eventually block the pain.

If it is a diffused headache on one side of the head, use the pegs on all the fingers of the same side, i.e. for right half of the head, place pegs on the fingers of the right hand, and for the left half, on the fingers of the left hand.

Take a short nap and by the time you rise, you'll find that the headache is gone! A few years back, the mother of a colleague had a headache for several days, which started with the flu but did not go away when the flu left. I suggested this method. She used the pegs on all the fingers of one hand at first and took a nap. When she woke up, she found that one side of her head was no longer painful. Then she placed the pegs on the other hand, took another short rest and a few hours later found that she was finally head-ache-free!


Azizah A R has a great thirst for knowledge, particularly in Alternative Therapies and loves to share her findings and tips in this fascinating world of Natural Medicine. If you would like to benefit from this generous sharing of information, visit http://www.pathtonaturalhealing.com and sign up for her newsletter.

Easy Headache Solution