Examine What To Do For Cluster Headache Pain Relief a lot more

Cluster headaches are not as common as other types of headaches. In fact, statistics show that only 69 out of 100,000 people get cluster headaches. For this reason, this type of headache is not discussed very often. Still, cluster headaches can be very painful and those who suffer from them would desperately want to look for an effective cluster headache pain relief.

The median age of a cluster headache sufferer is 30 years old. Most of those who develop cluster headaches have their first cluster headache between the age of 20 and 50. Nevertheless, you can develop a cluster headache at any time in life. Some people actually experience their firs symptoms before they even turn 10-years-old. There are also some people who do not get cluster headaches until they are 80-years-old or older. Men are usually affected more often than women. In fact, five out of every six who suffer from a cluster headache is a male.

You need to have a clear understanding of the symptoms if you are looking for a cluster headache relief. A cluster headache is called as such because it usually attacks you in clusters. It is usual for an attack to last between a half hour and two hours. You can also experience anywhere from one headache per week to six per day. It all depends upon how severe your condition is. These attacks occur in waves. Most patients will experience between four and eight headaches per week. You may experience this for several years but not many people are afflicted in this way.

For a cluster headache diagnosis, you need to get a proper diagnosis from your doctor first. Your doctor can help you determine if you may be experiencing cluster headaches because your nasal passage is blocked.

Some other symptoms that commonly occur with cluster headaches include red eyes and sweating from your forehead and cheeks. The pain that you experience with a cluster headache usually begins around or above your eye and then spreads outward. These headaches come in a flash and reach their height of pain within two to fifteen minutes. Once you begin to have a cluster headache, your heart rate will begin to beat at a much higher pace. These are important signs to note when you are trying to figure out what type of headache you are suffering from. A more accurate observation of your symptoms can help you come closer to an effective cluster headache pain relief.

The sad part is that there appears to be no cure for you if you are suffering from a cluster headache. OTC analgesics such as aspirin are not an effective cluster headache pain relief because by the time the pills begin to work the headache is nearing its end. Doctors would have to prescribe antihistamines, calcium channel blockers and ergot preparations for cluster headache pain relief.

Other than drugs, there are plenty of other ways for cluster headache pain relief. These methods are natural and result in little or no side effects. You can get enough sleep, reduce stress, look for other relaxation techniques designed to help you reduce stress and tension.


Overconsumption of drugs for headache relief can result in rebound headaches and worsening migraines. Get more information on headache natural treatment here on this site at http://www.headacheremedysecrets.com

What To Do For Cluster Headache Pain Relief
