The cluster headache has two main characteristics. First, the cluster headache is extremely painful. The pain is so intense that some sufferers even feel that the condition is life threatening, which it is not. The second characteristic is the cyclical nature of the cluster headache. They tend to come a certain times and then last for several weeks or months and then disappear, sometimes for years,only to return again. So, before seeking cluster headache treatment, be sure that it is indeed what you are suffering from.
The best cluster headache treatment available is abortive oxygen treatment. The patient inhales pure oxygen through a mask for several minutes until the pain is gone. This treatment is very successful for many sufferers. Often, through oxygen inhalation the pain will be gone after just a few minutes. For others the relief may only be temporary and return after the sufferer stops inhaling the oxygen.
The only problem with the use of oxygen in cluster headache treatment is the inconvenience. Oxygen tanks are bulky, heavy and difficult to carry around with you. Many people are able to have them in their home in preparation for the onset of an attack. However, attacks may come when driving or while at work. Unless you purchase apparatus for home, car and work, then oxygen cluster headache treatment may not be always be available to you.
There are also some pharmaceutical options for cluster headache treatment. Imitrex (sumatriptan) is an injection that is often used to treat migraine headaches but has also been found to be effective with cluster headaches. Imitrex has side effects that the sufferer will want to consider together with their doctor before using this option.
There is also an IV drug that can be used for cluster headache treatment. It's called dihydroergotamine and requires the sufferer to go to the doctor's office to have the drug administered intravenously. This headache remedy is likewise very inconvenient because it requires a visit to the doctor's office.
Consider the Cause of Your Headaches
Remember that even though we must depend on doctors to help us with cluster headache treatment, they aren't always successful at diagnosing illnesses. What may have all the symptoms of a cluster headache may in fact be something entirely different. For example, some foods cause headaches in some people. If you eat these foods occasionally, then the headaches they cause you may behave like cluster headaches, coming and going in episodes. Or, some foods may cause you headaches only some of the time. Since the pain would come in episodes the headaches would appear to be of the cluster variety.
If you are diagnosed with having cluster headaches, you should listen to your doctor, however don't give up experimenting with your diet to see if some foods may actually be the cause. Or, if something you are eating is not causing the headaches, it could be making them more painful.
Finally, are you out of shape and don't eat healthily? Even though exercise and diet are not scientifically established causes of cluster headaches, I would definitely consider exercising more and eating better if I was consistently in a lot of pain. It is my sneaking suspicion that a lot of ailments are the result of a poor lifestyle and not just inevitable and unlucky occurrences we have no control over.
Jonathan Higgins writes on various health issues including the causes and treatments of headaches. He writes for several websites including Effective Headache Cures [].