How Can We Avoid Triggering of Migraine/Headache?
Headache CuresMigraine is a type of primary headache. It is an unbearable condition characterized by moderate to severe nausea. The typical migraine headache is one-sided pain (affecting one-half of the head) and lasting from 4 to 27 hours. It has many symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia and it generally aggravated by routine activity.
It is a common neurological disorder in the world. It is afflicting more people than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined. It is about 3 times more common in women than in men.
Types of Migraine:
Migraine is classified according to the symptoms they produce. The two most common types are migraine with aura (unusual visual) and migraine without aura.
Migraine management is really an important part of day-to-day life. There are many ways to prevent Migraine from usual life. Some of them are as follow:
1. Taking preventive medicine & nutritional supplements
Preventive therapy aims to reduce the duration, painfulness, frequency etc. In addition, it aims to avoid medication overuse headache (MOH) otherwise known as rebound headache.
Sometimes the impact of my headaches would be so much so that I'd literally come home from work, grab a hot washcloth and lay it over my head, then proceed to bed...another night of doing nothing but tending to my headache, another night lost
2. Migraine surgery
It is mainly useful for patients who suffer attacks that are more frequent and in those who have not had an adequate response to prophylactic medications. Main advantage of this surgery is that we can make a definite diagnosis before the surgery is undertaken. Hence, we can expect an outstanding result of surgery after the diagnosis. This makes a permanent pain relief as well as relief from the associated symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, light & sound sensitivity.
3. Lifestyle alterations
Lifestyle plays a very big role in migraine management. A minute alteration on our lifestyle may leads to a huge difference in migraine prevention such as increased exercise, change in sleep pattern etc.
It is always good to identify and avoid triggering factors that cause headache. Moderation in take of caffeine and alcoholic stuffs will help you to gain some control on it. Consistency in food and sleep may help as well. However, general dietary is not advisable for migraine management. Such dietary may trigger migraine. It is just a matter of understanding your own body and treat according to it.