Natural Cure For Headache
Headache CuresA headache doesn't just mean pain in your head, it can also have other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, pain in the forehead, area behind the eyes and the temples. In different types of headaches the affected person will have different symptoms. Usually though, there is a natural cure for a headache. The different types of headaches are hormonal headaches, stress headaches, sinus headaches, frequent headaches, etc. The cure for your headache will depend which type of headache you are suffering from.
The headaches all have various triggers that bring the headaches on and depending upon these triggers the kind of treatment will vary. Thus you should consult your doctor straight away so the right treatment can be given.
The headache cure is decided based on the causes of headache. Here is a list of the possible causes of headaches.
-- Lack of sleep or too much sleep
-- Emotional stress and tensions
-- Weather changes, allergy to certain foods or substances
-- Pollution
-- Watching television for long hours
-- Drinking to excess and suffering a hangover
-- Dehydration
-- Working for long hours on a computer resulting in eye strain
Headache Cure -- The cure for the headache can be decided once the cause of headache is known. The cause of headache will be different for different types of headache. This can sometimes be straightforward, for example getting adequate sleep if the cause is lack of sleep.
Here are a few remedies for a headache:
Home Remedies
Sometimes just a nap can help you get rid of a headache. 20 to 30 minutes during the day could be all that's needed. You can also try putting cold compresses on your forehead and head. This will give some relief from the throbbing pain.
Herbal Remedies
Herbs like gold seal, feverfew, ginko biloba, etc. are very effective and can help a lot in reducing the severity of the headache symptoms. Some people may have an allergy to some of these herbs and so you should consult your doctor before taking them.
This may sound strange, but if the reason for your headache is stress, then meditating could give you relief from the headache. Meditation helps in reducing the stress levels, helping you to relax. Meditation can also improve your concentration and make you work effectively.
Headaches getting you down? Visit to find out how you can quickly and easily get rid of headaches forever!