Go through Guide to Sinus Headache Relief a lot more

Headache Cures

Paranasal sinuses or simply known as sinuses are those air-filled spaces in your forehead, cheekbones and bridge area of your nose. The word sinus is a Latin word, which means "pocket." The sinuses produce a thin mucous that usually drains out down the nose. When it's inflamed, the flow of mucus is hampered causing inflammation and headache. Some possible reasons for inflamed sinuses include infections, allergy reactions and tumors.

The role of sinuses is a hotly debated topic. However, we do know that sinuses prevent a direct impact in case something should hit your face, aids in voice resonance, protects your eyes from sudden change of temperature in the nasal cavities and protects sensitive structures such as the roots of your teeth. Other similar interesting theories include the role of sinuses to warm the air you breathe and decreasing the weight of the skulls, particularly the facial bones.

If the cause of your headache is due to inflamed sinuses, then what you need is a sinus headache relief. Generally, people who are suffering for recurring headaches are said to have a condition known as sinusitis. Sinus ostia are the small holes that join the sinuses. A simple allergic reaction or nasal lining swelling is enough to block them. For instance, if you have a common cold, the normal emptying of the mucous is no longer possible and hence sinusitis develops.

Sinus Headaches and Migraines

The differences between the two, at times, are hard to tell. Is it a headache caused by sinusitis or migraine? Here's a quick way to differentiate the two.

In most cases, the pains associated with migraines are far more severe than sinus headaches. You may also experience vomiting, nausea and sensitivity to light with migraines. In addition, the headache is pulsating or throbbing accompanied with severe pain on one side of the head only. You will be incapacitated from your daily routines and physical activities such as exercise are next to impossible.

A constant pain in your forehead, bridge of the nose and cheekbones are the common symptoms of sinus headaches. Most of the time, you'll experience nasal discharge, fullness in the ears and worst, facial swelling.

Should you consult your doctor or healthcare provider for a sinus headache relief?

Personally, the idea of consulting your doctor or a healthcare professional for a sinus headache relief is highly encouraged. Without proper examination, you can't tell whether your sinuses are inflamed, or it's already a migraine. Even physical examination won't suffice, and you may be required to undergo CT scan or MRI.

Please read this important article to find out more about sinus headache relief. Visit this site Headaches Everyday - http://everydayheadaches.com/ and find more useful articles about headaches, it's causes, cures and simple remedies.

Guide to Sinus Headache Relief

Headache Cures

Examine Any Home Remedies For Terrible Headache? much more

The medical term for headache is Cephalalgia. It is one of the most common problems and is characterized by pain in head or in the neck area. The problem of headache generally occurs due to internal problems of body. The main causes of headache are allergies from alcohol, liver, chocolate, milk and all other milk products. It can also be due to small disorders such as diarrhea or sneezing a lot.

Other causes for headache might be eyestrain, hangover, sugar level in the blood low, deficiency of nutrients in the body, tension and intoxicated body system.

Some homemade remedies for headache are described below in detail.

1. Make lemon juice from two to three slices of lemon and mix it with a cup of tea. Apply the lemon plaster thus made on the forehead with the help of the paste out of the lemon crust. You can also put fresh lemon rinds on the forehead.

2. Remove the inner portion of an apple. After skinning it add a little amount of salt and eat it every morning without drinking or eating anything else prior to that for one week.

3. Vinegar rubbed on henna flowers when applied on forehead is very effective. It will relieve the headache caused due to the intense heat of the sun.

4. Mix cinnamon with water and make a paste of the same. Apply the paste on the forehead and the temple. This will relieve headache due to overexposure to cold air.

5. In one liter of water place a handful of rosemary and boil it. Place a towel on your head and inhale the steam coming out of the boiled mixture by trapping it with the help of the towel.

Some more home remedies for headache:

o Make a paste of water and cinnamon by mixing 1 tablespoon of water with 1 tablespoon of cinnamon. Apply the paste on your forehead, lie down, and rest for 20-30 minutes. Then wash the paste off with warm cloth.

o Take a cloth and dip it in warm water, squeeze and apply on your forehead. Close your eyes and rest for a while.

o Stir 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of cold water and drink.

o Drink thick natural grapes juice daily to treat your headaches.

o Drink a lot of water every day; make sure you are not dehydrated.

o Apply a few drops of rosemary oil on your chest, lie down and breathe deep for a few minutes.

o Drink a cup of warm coffee when you have headaches. Take small sips and try to relax.

o Lie down in a dark room, put a towel on your forehead and put an ice pack on the towel. Lie down like this for about 20-30 minutes, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and try to relax.

o Slice a potato, take the slices and apply on your forehead and rest for 20 minutes.

o Peel 1 cucumber, take the peels tie them to the forehead with a cloth. Rest with the cucumbers peels on your head for 15-20 minutes and your headache will be gone in no time.

During headache you should take proper care of your diet. Failing to do so would result in the increase of headache. The best and the simplest ways to avoid headache are proper nutrition, physical exercise regularly and positive mental exercises.

Initially you need to undergo a short fasting during which you should take juice made of only citrus fruit diluted with water. Take it everyday at a time span of two hours from morning eight to evening eight. Later on eat only those foods that are digested easily. Eat fresh and dried fruits for breakfast and eat cereals, potatoes, wheat bread and rice for dinner. You must drink a lot of fresh water every day. You can also add a teaspoon of honey in water for better results.

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Any Home Remedies For Terrible Headache?

Examine Remedies For Migraine Headaches additional

Remedies For Migraine Headaches

Headache Cures

Headache Cures

Many people suffer from migraine. At times, some patients do not really know that they are suffering from the condition. Often, they think that the episodes of throbbing head they experience are just ordinary headaches. If the headache becomes so severe and it recurs successively and regularly, then that is the time the patient will infer that what he or she is experiencing is migraine. Unfortunately, there is no immediate pharmaceutical relief for migraines. There are painkillers or temporary relievers, but the onset of the condition will still persist. However, there are folk remedies for migraine that have been proven to be really effective in alleviating the pain of migraine attacks.

The most common home remedy for migraine makes use of ice wraps that are available in the market. Those ice wraps you can easily buy in groceries and drug stores are mainly designed and made for the purpose of relieving headaches. Simply place the item in the neck or in the forehead of the migraine victim. You can improvise by using wet towel. Soak the face towel in water, fold and put inside the freezer for a few minutes or until the object starts to stiffen up. Put the frozen part of the towel around the eyes and the head until the pain subsides.

Eating salty foods is also known to effectively alleviate and prevent the onset of a migraine attack. If you feel that a migraine attack is on the way, simply eat Fritos corn chips, salty fries or other salty foods to help relieve and deviate the headache attack. Some patients who have been using this remedy could attest that the relief provided of the activity could totally prevent the attack or at times, could just delay the condition for about a few hours, giving enough time to find and prepare other remedies like the ice wraps of frozen towel.

Another remedy for migraine makes use of a hot tub. During the painful migraine attack, simply sit comfortably in a chair. Put a place of a tub with hot water under the chair. Then, put your feet on the tub. Simultaneously, put a cold compress or towel with ice cubes at the back of the head. In a few minutes, expect that you will feel that the pain is slowly but surely subsiding. The concept in this activity is that the blood that constricts the head draws down to concentrate in the feet. Thus, pressure in the head area is lessened and in turn, the headache will fade.

For some, a simple activity like sleeping takes the pain of migraine episodes away. Experts, however, advise that the best remedy for migraine is still prevention. Scientific studies suggest that there are measures on how a patient could avoid the onset of the painful condition. Identifying the common trigger of headaches to a person would greatly be helpful in setting prevention techniques. Thus, avoidance of certain types of foods, alcoholic drinks and caffeine would be recommended for some people, who are desperate to get rid of migraine. There may also be other remedies for migraine that are traditional to your family from the past generations. Overall, a positive attitude towards the condition would be totally helpful.

For more information on remedies for migraine [http://migraine-treatment.info/migraine-treatment-natural-remedies] and other migraine related info check out http://migraine-treatment.info

Go through Some Home Remedies For Sinus Headache extra

Sinus headaches are not a rarity. Millions of people suffer from it everyday. They are caused by the inflammation of the lining of the sphenoid sinus cavity. This cavity is present above the eyes, in the lower part of the head. This inflammation causes excruciating headaches and pain behind the eye region. Though, it is advisable to go to a good medical practitioner for a proper treatment, there are a large number of home remedies for sinus headache. These remedies are good because they provide instantaneous relief.

One of the simplest remedies for sinus headache is dipping a towel in cold water and applying it to the affected part of the head. When the towel becomes warm, flip it over. After a few minutes, dip it in cold water and apply it again. The best part about home remedies for sinus headache is that they have no side effects whatsoever.

Another way of getting rid of sinus headache is darkening the room and getting sleep for about half an hour. Though this is no cure, it provides temporary relief. The most instantaneous out of all home remedies for sinus headache is eating a chilli or a jalapeno pepper. This drains the sinuses thus clearing them. Inhaling steam also helps in draining the sinuses. Adding a bit of peppermint to the water makes this method of treatment much more effective. Peppermint is a very effective decongestant. It decongests the infected mucous and clears the sinuses.

Other home remedies for sinus headache consist of making certain concoctions and applying them on the forehead. A paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and water, if applied on the forehead gives immense relief to people suffering from sinus headache. A paste of dry ginger in water or milk also helps. Add ten to fifteen basil leaves and a few cloves to the dry ginger paste for more a more effective home remedy. For a more severe sinus headache, dip your feet in warm water while taking the cold compress on the forehead.

Though there are a large number of home remedies for sinus headache, it is advisable to visit a doctor if the sinus symptoms don't recede or go away completely in about a week.

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Some Home Remedies For Sinus Headache

Go through Is My Headache Caused by a Brain Tumor? far more


Almost everyone experiences a headache now and then. In most cases these intermittent headaches will not be a sign of a more serious health condition. However, in some instances the headache will only be a symptom of some underlying disease or condition.

There are two types of headaches, primary and secondary. Primary headaches are simply head pain. Secondary headaches are caused when some other health condition such as a disease, infection, brain tumor, or other factor is present. With secondary headaches the head pain is just a symptom of the primary health disorder. By looking at a few factors it is usually possible to determine if your head pain is nothing to be worried about or a serious health condition.

If you suffer with three or more headaches a week, this is not a natural thing. If you are having three or more headaches a week you should see a medical doctor. You should also seek medical help if you are taking painkillers almost every day or if the pain is continually getting more intense, it's time to talk with a doctor about your problem.

The sudden onset of a headache after a fall or other head injury could signify a major problem and immediate medical assistance is required. If a headache appears suddenly and is severe in intensity, you should again seek immediate medical attention. There are many reasons to seek immediate help from a doctor and the most common reasons are if you have a headache that is accompanied by a fever, seizures, double vision, stiff neck, loss of mental focus or confusion, or rash. Additionally, if you are over 50 years of age and start experiencing new headache pain that you never had before, it's time to seek help.

Migraine headaches are usually experienced on one side of the head, but will switch sides from one headache to the next. The pain can be on one side for a headache or two and then be on the other side the next time or two. This is normal. However, if the pain is continually on the same side it could be caused by a brain tumor.

Brain tumors will normally be associated with other symptoms as well. They tend to cause a loss of sensation or function on one side of the body as the tumor pushes against tissues on one side of the brain. When a tumor causes an increased amount of pressure on the brain it can cause other symptoms such as loss of balance, vision problems in one eye, or other one-sided symptoms.

If you ever experience symptoms that you believe may be caused by a brain tumor it's important to seek medical help immediately. The quicker a tumor is discovered the better your chances of successful treatment.

Click Here to get more information about how to cure your migraine headache pain safely and naturally.

Is My Headache Caused by a Brain Tumor?

Read through Headache Prevention - How to Relieve and Prevent Headaches on One Side of the Head more

What is a headache that affects just one side of the head and what are the causes? According to scientists, the real reason of this type of headache is still not clear. However it is commonly agreed that these headaches have no relationship with family history. A common statistic is that only 1% of the world population over a lifetime escape headaches altogether. Over a year it is estimated that 90% of the population get at least 1 headache. This means worldwide that over a billion people worldwide get a migraine at some point. This makes the information within this article very important and crucial to a large majority of the world's population.

Now, is there an effective way of relieving or preventing headaches on one side of the head? It is currently clear to scientist that there are no specific preventions for these types of headaches however there are certain methods that you can adopt to prevent these types of headaches occurring on a frequent basis or to at least decrease the pain endured when these headaches occur.

One thing I do not encourage is taking medication to relieve you of headache pain. The reason for this is because of the side effects that taking medication can have. However if you are adamant on taking medication then the common choices are Antihistamines, Indomethacin and Lithium carbonate.

Pain killers are another option however they lack the long term affects that are needed to relieve the pain of headaches on the side of the head.

Those who suffer from these types of headaches are usually advised to change their lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. These are some of the simplest and most effective ways of relieving headache pain.


Do you want migraine headache relief in 7 days or less? Click here now to get more information on how to relieve your headache in 7 days or less.

Headache Prevention - How to Relieve and Prevent Headaches on One Side of the Head

Understand Cure Headaches by Comprehending the Cause more

Cure Headaches by Comprehending the Cause

Headache Cures

Headache Cures

Headaches are a common complaint among many people. Curing them is often impossible because they are caused by any number of things. The most common types of headaches are tension, cluster and migraines. The origination of the pain depends on the type of headache. The medicine you choose may be the same.

Acetaminophen, ibuprofen and aspirin are among the most well-known headache medications. Lying down, sleep, and using a cool compress over the eyes. The best way to stop a headache is to prevent it before it starts. This is not difficult to understand when you understand why you get your headaches.

Eating Differently Can Eliminate Your Headaches

The foods you eat is likely the reason for your discomfort. For example consuming something cold like juice can cause pain. Pain can also be caused by drinking too much alcohol, caffeine, or not drinking enough water. Finally, a lot of products are made with chemicals. It's a possibility that these chemicals in what you eat could be causing your headaches.

The pills you are taking Could Be Causing Your Headaches

It's possible that the pills you are taking Could Be Causing Your Headaches. First, if you are experiencing headaches you think are caused by the medicine you are taking, call your doctor quickly. Second, ask your doctor about the side effects of the pills you are taking. If headaches are one of them ask your doctor if you can use another kind. Finally, if the doctor says it is ok, you can conduct an experiment. Take the pills on one day but not the day after and see if there is a difference.

Bad Stress Management Could Be The Root Of Your Headache

Too much stress will neck tensing up. If this happens day after day, the neck will constrict the flow of blood to the head. This might lead to a headache. The key to reduce stress is to get rid of it on a daily basis. Some good way to do this are swimming or doing deep breathing exercises daily.

I have put together a serious of tips for dealing with headaches. Just send an email to headachegone@aweber.com. Learn more about your headaches at Effective Headache Cures [http://www.effective-headache-cures.com/].

Read Headache Cures and Remedies - Hypnosis much more

A study in 2007 found that during the course of a year 90% of people will suffer from a headache at least once. Besides the obvious pain in the head and neck region, headaches can also cause nausea, dizziness, blurred vision and loss of balance. Fortunately the vast majority of headaches aren't symptoms of a more serious problem. Only 1% of people who visit ER suffering from headaches actually have a deeper seated health concern.

There are many well known cures and remedies for headaches but one that is not so commonly known is hypnosis. Historical evidence shows that people as far back as those of Ancient Egypt used hypnosis as an effective form of pain relief and it is still being used to this very day.

More recent scientific research has confirmed that hypnosis does indeed work as a "pain blocker". Brain scans were taken of volunteers who had been hypnotized (as well as a control group who had not) and then made to suffer pain from a source of heat. Those who had been hypnotized had less activity in the pain sensors of the brain. This means that hypnosis actually blocks pain signals from reaching the brain. In the last few years people have even been using hypnosis as an anesthetic in surgeries with great success.

Now I'm sure that you can already imagine how hypnosis can be used to cure a headache but there is also another reason why it is so powerful at alleviating the pain. The majority of headaches are caused by stress and tension, particularly around the neck and shoulders. You may have rolled your neck around to help release some of the pain of a headache, if so you know this to be true. Well hypnosis is also a remarkably great way to relax and loosen muscles.

Although there are some differences, hypnosis is very similar to a deep state of relaxation. Typically you are lead or sat down, while the hypnotherapists guides you through a hypnotic induction. This induction often comes in the form of deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation. After this comes a deepener (just to make sure the client is properly hypnotized) and then a series of hypnotic suggestions. These suggestions can be about whatever you want, the hypnotherapist will cater for your needs. You may just simply want to relax and unwind, or perhaps you'd like to take part in a creative visualization exercise such as swimming with dolphins.

Hypnosis is actually quite an inexpensive headache remedy too. You may think that hiring a hypnotherapist every time you have a headache would be expensive... and you'd be right. However now you can find hypnosis sessions on MP3s at a fraction of the cost, these also hold the advantage that once you have paid once you can listen to the session over and over again at no extra cost. In the long run this will actually be cheaper than buying bottles of aspirin!

So next time you feel a headache coming on don't reach for a bottle of pills. Try hypnosis, the natural remedy for headache relief.

Headache Cures

For headache relief you can learn self hypnosis with this collection of hypnosis scripts.


Headache Cures and Remedies - Hypnosis

Headache Cures

Read through How to Cure Headaches - 3 Tips a lot more

Headache Cures

Headaches are one of the most frequent health problems that are faced by individuals. There are many reasons that contribute towards its occurrence. The most common of all is stress and tension faced in the workplace. Other governing factors include emotional anxiety, improper sleep, changes in the weather, allergic side effects to certain foods, pollution, sitting in front of the television or working at a computer for long hours, and dehydration.

While there are quite a number of over-the-counter analgesics that are effective in treating the problem, the best idea is to focus on a natural cure for headaches, because natural treatments are safe and have no side effects.Some popular natural cures are as follows.

• Physical exercise: For migraine and sinus patients, exercise is the best way to alleviate the pain. Physical exercises help with the natural synthesis of painkillers inside the body. These painkillers are termed as endorphins. Endorphins are excellent in curing such pains by natural mechanism pathways in the body. (Note that any exercises that are to be practiced must be undertaken only after consulting a physician.)Whenever you experience a headache, go for a brisk outdoor walk to breathe in some fresh air, a natural cure for your headache. Another important exercise is meditation, one of the most effective mental exercises that boosts the activity of the brain and lowers the chance of experiencing irritating pain in the head.

• Headache associated with food habits: There are many foods that have the potency to trigger this health condition. A headache that is induced by the consumption of certain specific foods may start within 3 to 12 hours of eating. Begin by avoiding foods containing noticeable amounts of sulfites and nitrites in their composition. The main reason behind this is that these compounds dilute certain capillary walls that are located in the brain which consequently results in an increased flow of blood through the area. It is because of this increased flow that you experience mild pain in the head when you eat some allergic food items. Drinking green tea or black coffee is a natural cure for treating debilitating pain in the head.

• Herbal massage and Aromatherapy: Certain herbs prove to be excellent in acting as a natural remedy for headaches. Some of them are fever few, gold seal, ginkgo biloba and others. The extracts of these botanical herbs must be consumed orally for quick action. Aromatherapy is supposed to be among the best ways to cure ill health conditions, too. Essential oils of lavender, sandalwood, rosemary, eucalyptus and more are used in formulating massage oils for aromatherapy that can be easily practiced at home. Massaging with warm oil is a natural cure to get relief from pain, requiring a minimum span of time. Other than oil massage and aromatherapy, a hot or cold pack can be beneficial in alleviating headaches, too.

Chronic headaches might be caused by brain tumors which might be malignant. Often complicated surgeries are required to mitigate the problems and these complex procedures more often than not will be expensive. This is why you must consult with your insurance provider and find out if the rules of the company are not contradicting with those of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

For more information, please visit our HIPAA website.

How to Cure Headaches - 3 Tips

Headache Cures

Understand Vitamins For Headache Prevention a lot more

Vitamins For Headache Prevention


Studies show the link between an increased risk to getting chronic headaches when you are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. If you eat a balanced health diet, then you would find that this can hardly be the case. As it is, most of us do not eat well for a variety of reasons. You should therefore up your intake of vitamins for headache prevention. I suggest that you try the following take supplements; especially of B2 (Riboflavin), B6 (Pyridoxine), Calcium and Magnesium.

In fact, many already know about the benefits about Magnesium. Studies have shown that if you suffer from migraines you probably do not have enough of this mineral in your brain. This headache pain treatment product is required for the proper performance of serotonin. Magnesium also affects your arteries. When your body is low in this headache pain treatment product your arteries will constrict more. So, upping your intake of this headache pain treatment product is a good idea. You can do this by eating more dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, seafood, beans and nuts. However, do take a note in what you eating because some of these foods, like nuts, can also trigger headaches. For this reason, you may wish to consider Magnesium supplements instead.

Calcium is another mineral that can be found in dark green leafy vegetables. Other sources of calcium are found in dairy products and seafood. If you are taking Magnesium supplements and decide to take Calcium supplements too then you should know that you cannot take them at the same time of the day because Calcium can block the body's ability to properly absorb Magnesium. Therefore you should take take them at different times of the day; say one in the morning and the other in the evening.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) and Vitamin B6 have been proven headache pain relief products that will reduce the number of migraines you will have. While you may prefer to take a B complex supplement, please note that the other B vitamins are not proven headache pain treatment products. However, you may still wish to take the other B vitamins as they are known to reduce the risk of strokes.

You can always check with your doctor about consuming the above mentioned vitamins for headache prevention. Also, try to ensure that you eat healthily so that you get natural sources of these vitamins. Taking these vitamins for headache care and prevention is far better than popping in headache drug medications!

Overconsumption of drugs for headache relief can result in rebound headaches and worsening migraines. Get free information on various headache natural remedies here on this site at http://www.headacheremedysecrets.com

Go through Relieving Headache the Natural Way far more

Migraine headaches affect about 15 percent of the population. Although men can actually suffer from migraines, it is the women that are more affected. Experts believe that migraine is hereditary as researches have revealed more than 80 percent of people suffering from it have a family history of the problem.

Migraine headaches may not seem so serious but without proper care and proper diagnosis, those headaches may develop into something more. It is recurrent and may be a manifestation of an underlying problem in the brain that can be really dangerous.

Causes of migraine

Migraines are actually caused by the changes in the size of the blood vessels that are found in the brain and in the head area. These changes may be due to some inflammation or constriction that prevents the blood from flowing properly.

Unlike the common type of headache, which only lasts for about a few hours, migraine headaches can last from four hours to as much as three days. It is more severe and more frequent than your ordinary type of headache. Migraine headache however only affect a certain area on the head, often the side area or the temples unlike the common type that encompasses the whole head including the neck.

People suffering from migraine headaches may also experience a hallucination called aura. Auras are visual perceptions that are presented as a zigzagging light or a bight spot. People often see these visual disturbances immediately before their migraine attack.

Treating migraine

Prevention is still the number one treatment for migraine. The best way is to make sure that one avoids the factors that may trigger the attack.

One of those factors is stress. By learning to relax a bit and do some stress management, one can prevent migraine headaches from recurring. Try to spread your workload to a degree, which you can manage. Rest for a while when you feel that you are getting tired.
Another great way is to deal with the attack head on.

Relieve the pain in the head by keeping warm and avoiding extreme temperatures. If the problem is the position of the head when you are sleeping, buy a different pillow. Choose a fluffier one that will cushion your head better. You can also experiment with a different sleeping position.

You can also rub your temples and massage the area that is painful. Try to close your eyes for a while and let it rest especially when you have been staring at the computer screen for a long time.


Low Jeremy maintains http://headache.articlesforreprint.com. This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

Relieving Headache the Natural Way


Examine Natural Migraine Headache Remedies That Really Work a lot more

When you have a migraine headache, you certainly know it. That blinding, pounding pain in your head, your eyes, or your entire head and all the symptoms that go with it. As a migraine sufferer myself, I know exactly what it feels like. Migraines don't just go away with over the counter medication, you need special migraine medication and a dark room with ice on your head to get rid of these headaches. But, aren't you tired of wasting the whole day trying to get rid of your migraine headaches?

People who have not experienced a migraine headache often discount the pain experienced with one of these types of headaches. They may think the sufferer is being overly dramatic or is faking the pain. These headaches are real and they can be quite severe and sometimes do not go away with medication. Why not try a natural remedy?

Natural or home remedies are those that are made at home from natural ingredients. They have many positive attributes. They are simple, have no side effects, no chemicals, they are inexpensive, and they give you the ability to let you heal yourself.

Fresh Grape Juice

One natural remedy for migraine headaches is the juice of fresh grapes, which can ease migraine pain. What you do is you grind the juice out of the grapes and don't add any water, and you just drink the juice. I know it sounds strange, but try it - it works!


Niacin has been proven to help relieve migraine pain. It can be found in the following foods: yeast, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, sunflower seeds, liver, and fish. I also take a vitamin supplement of 100 mg a day for migraine treatment.


The scents that are known to help with migraines are lavender, peppermint, sandalwood, eucalyptus, and rosemary. You can rub any of these onto your temples or blend any of them together and rub them on your temples. You can also put a couple of drops into a bath. The scents will relax you almost immediately. Breathe deeply and you may choose to do some breathing exercises along with this to help you to relax.

Lemon Crust

Lemon crust has been known to cure migraine headaches. Grind the lemon crust and make it into a paste. Apply the paste onto the forehead. This is very effective to relieve migraine headaches in a significant amount of people.

Vegetable Juices

Carrot juice combined with spinach, beet, and cucumber juices work well for migraine headaches. Try the following two recipes for migraine relief:

1. Mix 200 ml. of spinach juice with 300 ml. of carrot juice.
2. Mix 100 ml. each of beet and cucumber juices with 300 ml. of carrot juice.

Peppermint Tea

This is something that helps my migraines. I make a cup of peppermint tea with a little honey in it and it does help ease my migraines a little bit. I hope that it helps you also.

Migraine headaches affect different people in different ways and natural remedies will also affect people differently. They may or may not work for you, but give them a try. I certainly hope that at least one of the natural remedies for migraine headaches that I suggested here will help you with your migraines.

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Natural Migraine Headache Remedies That Really Work

Understand Migraine Headache Cure extra

Headache Cures

Migraine can be one of the most annoying and painful ailments to afflict anyone. People affected by migraine find it quite difficult to carry on with their regular tasks when migraine strikes. Getting a migraine headache cure is one of the most sought after solutions that patients need.

There is a school of thought, which says that migraines are caused due to some psychological reasons and should have cures that are psychological in nature. Apart from a physical condition or a dietary cause, many migraines are caused by anger, guilt and allergy (association). These are all negative and illness inducing emotions that are held responsible for triggering migraines. In all these cases, the treatment should focus on emotional healing as well as behavior and emotion modification.

In case of dietary causes, magnesium deficiency is one of the primary causes of migraines. This is caused by consuming diets high in protein as well as the consumption of alcohol, soft water, caffeine and diuretics. Getting too much of calcium and too less of magnesium may also cause migraines. The cure in such cases is to opt for medicines or supplements that are rich in magnesium.

In addition to the aforesaid factors, a lot of migraines are caused by stress and tension. In these instances, the patient should de-stress, practice yoga, meditate or take a break to relax and unwind as part of migraine headache cure.

So, try to find out the reasons that have caused the onset of a migraine and treat it accordingly to get relief from this nagging and painful ailment.

AJ Melendez has written many useful guides related to migraine headache.

Migraine Headache Cure

Headache Cures

Examine Headaches Treatment - Natural Cures That Work much more

Headaches Treatment - Natural Cures That Work

Headache Cures

Headache Cures

Most headaches are caused by muscle tension in the head, neck and shoulder areas, often caused by strenuous work or bad posture of the body. Before running to the drug store to take pain relief medications like Advil, Aleve or Tylenol, there are natural remedies and supplements that can prevent, reduce and even eliminate the pain.

What are some effective natural headaches treatment that works?

There are many natural remedies that work to cure headaches, the ones listed below are commonly used and is shown to be effective for many people suffering from constant or occasional headaches including migraine headaches.


This mineral has been studied for preventing and treating migraine headaches and experts believe it can be helpful in curing tension headaches as well. Magnesium is essential for the nervous system and blood vessels to function properly. Researchers discovered through clinical trials that people suffering from migraine headaches seem to have lower blood levels of magnesium than those who do not.

The recommended dose is 200 mg three times daily. Lower dose may be effective for some people as well.


Feverfew is a very popular and effective herb for headaches treatment. It is traditionally used to get rid of migraine headaches. It can be helpful for other types of headaches such as tension headaches as well.

Experts suggest using a standardized product rather than the raw herbs. This will ensure that you get the same amount of the active ingredient parthenolides from bottle to bottle.

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan)

This supplement is shown to help treat and prevent tension headaches as well as migraine headaches. Research studies showed that it seemed to increase the body's production of the natural painkiller endorphins.

It also seems to affect the serotonin levels in the brain. It is known that serotonin levels can affect blood flow in the brain and may be, in part, responsible for causing migraine headaches.

Homeopathic Headache Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are very popular in European countries and they are commonly prescribed by naturopathic doctors to treat various health problems. Homeopathic headache remedies are free from side effects and can be used effectively to treat all types of acute headaches.

When these remedies are taken on a regular basis, they can reduce the frequency, duration and severity of headaches. Homeopathic headaches treatment products should be tried as it can be highly effective for some people.

Want to find out many more other effective headaches treatment that work to cure headaches including migraine headaches?

Headaches treatment should start with natural and home remedies first before going for non-prescription or prescription options.

Get answers from clinical pharmacists on headaches treatment options. Visit the link below NOW to discover many home and more natural remedies for treating and preventing headaches. Recommended dose to use as well as useful tips are included.

Visit Natural Headache Cures to discover home and natural remedies and diet tips to prevent and cure headaches.

Get a detailed list of Remedies for Headaches that work complete with dosing information.

Tom Chua is a practicing pharmacist with 17 year of clinical experience in the community focusing on natural remedies and supplements to prevent and cure diseases and health problems.

Read Headache - Learn About Its Causes and Remedies extra

Headache - Learn About Its Causes and Remedies



What is the cause of the headache?

There can be several causes of headaches. Some of the more likely causes of headaches are stress and fatigue, tension, eye strain, dehydration, low blood sugar, migraine, viral infection, musculoskeletal conditions, hyper-mastication and sinusitis. In rare cases, headache could be a result of certain life-threatening conditions such as brain tumours, meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral aneurysms and extremely high blood pressure. Headache can also occur because of head injury. Erratic changes in estrogen levels during menstrual years may also cause headaches in some women.

Tension headache

Tension headache is one of the most common types and can affect people of any age and sex. But it is more commonly reported by adults and is more common among women than men. Tension headache is characterized by pain in both the sides of the head, though it may sometimes be pointed to the neck or the front of the head. The pain often starts at the back of your head and spreads forward. Besides, this is the only type of headache in which pain persists continuously throughout the day and night without any relief in between. Tension headache occurs mainly due to stress, depression or anxiety, fatigue, poor posture, eye strain, tobacco and alcohol use.

Cluster headache

Cluster headache is a type of primary headache. Though it is rarely reported, cluster headache sufferers are mainly men especially those in the 28-30 age group; however, headaches may begin in childhood. Cluster headaches are characterized by sharp, extremely painful headaches that tend to occur several times per day for months and then go away for a similar period. Sometimes the pain caused by cluster headaches is so intense that the scalp feels almost tender, the arteries can be seen pulsating and the patient is so uncomfortable that he finds it difficult to sit still.

Common remedies for headache relief

They cannot be cured but it is possible to control them by taking appropriate measures depending on the type of headache a patient is suffering from, individual response as well as associated health conditions. While home remedies work for some people, others need to take medicines to control the pain. The medications available for headache can be taken prophylactically (to prevent headache occurrence) or abortively (once the headache begins). Lifestyle changes such as avoidance of triggers, stress management, and relaxation therapy are also recommended to provide timely relief.

Many people these days are also resorting to alternative drug-free therapies for headache relief. Cefaly electrotherapy device is one such treatment option that is being increasingly recommended by doctors. The scientifically advanced device emits gentle electric impulses that influence the pain-affected nerves; this makes you experience a state of relaxation and well-being. You need to wear the Cefaly device like a headband and attach it to the electrode placed on the forehead. In just a few minutes, it provides relief from a throbbing headache.

Headache [http://www.headclinic.co.uk/] related site. This site provides various information on Tension Headache [http://www.headclinic.co.uk/headaches.html] and Cluster Headache.

Examine Herbal Headache and Migraine Remedies far more

Headache Cures

So many people are looking for alternatives to drugs when it comes to treating their headaches. Herbal headache remedies can be quite effective if the right ones are chosen! In low doses, many herbs can help stop a headache if the headache is mild. Some are great for daily use to prevent headaches, while others can sooth the upset stomach.

Keep in mind, that a little goes a long way and many herbs used for pain and mood can interact with prescription drugs. Another thing to keep in mind that the FDA does not standardize herbal preparations in the US (as of yet). One way to insure your quality of herbs is to get them from a company that produces only organics and maintains standards.


Ginger can be an excellent herbal remedy for that "wonderful" symptom of nausea. Proven throughout the years, ginger in many forms can help settle the stomach. Many people prefer to use ginger teas but keep in mind the earlier you can get the tea into you, the better off you will be. It is very difficult to swallow anything if full blown nausea and vomiting is going on!

It has these anti-nausea effects because it speeds digestion and increases saliva production. Also, it has some anti-inflammatory properties. If taken in large quantities it causes diaphoresis (excessive sweating). In centuries past ginger was used this way to break a fever by causing sweating.

Feverfew is well known to migraineurs as an herb headache preventative. It has gentle anti-inflammatory properties which may stop part of the migraine from progressing. Because of this it is also used for arthritis.Feverfew can take up to 3 months to be effective in migraine. Too many times, people will tell me the herb was not effective and come to find out, they took it for only two or three weeks.

Feverfew should NOT be taken if you are pregnant as it runs the risk of causing bleeding.

Children and adolescents tend to respond faster and better to feverfew than adults do.

Gaining attention recently as one of the herbal headache remedies, Butterbur is showing promise in this area. Like feverfew, clinical trials have been conducted and have shown up to a 50% reduction in headaches in those taking Butterbur.

Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne is available in a nasal spray to treat headache. YUK you say! Spray this up my nose? Well, true it hasn't been proven yet but there is a method to the madness! Capsician is the key ingredient here and when sprayed up the nose it hits a nerve plexus at the back. This nerve "talks" to the trigeminal nerve which is responsible for migraine.

Unfortunately, the effect wears off soon which is why it hasn't been too successful..oh that and the possible burning sensation!

I am mentioning ginko because there is some "buzz" in the headache community about this herb. Ginko has been promoted for memory with the idea it increases blood flow to the brain. While it doesn't affect blood vessels, it DOES thin the blood which could improve flow.

That's all well and good, but it has no effect on headaches or migraines. In fact if you take it with feverfew and aspirin you could run the risk of microscopic hemorrhages in the brain. So it is best to leave this one alone when it comes to headache treatment.

Herbs for Sleep and Anxiety
One of the problems many headache sufferers complain of is sleep problems. Use of Valarian and Camomille before bed has been shown to have some relaxing properties. Regular exercise before bed can also help to calm the nerves, and who knows? Maybe a cup of Valarian tea will help! Read more about sleep and headaches.

Many herbal supplements are very effective for migraine prevention and other types of headache. Remember to ask your practitioner first before combining these items with any prescription medications that you are taking for migraine.

Mary K. Betz, MS RPA-C is a practicing Physician Assistant in neurology who specializes in headache medicine at a large headache center. She has suffered from migraines for over thirty years and now teaches people how to take charge of headaches by learning more at http://www.headache-adviser.com

Herbal Headache and Migraine Remedies

Headache Cures

Read through The Major Causes of Headache Symptoms additional


Headache, also known as cephalgia, is classified into two categories, primary or secondary, and all headaches fit into one of these two classifications. Depending on classification and headache type, the headache symptoms will vary. Primary headaches are standalone, meaning they are not associated with any other disease or disorder, but are themselves the primary disorder. In other words, they are not associated with any other underlying pathology. Secondary headaches are those attributed to some other pathologic condition. Secondary headaches are the result of infectious diseases, neoplasms (tumors), drug-inducements, and other causes of unknown origin.

Primary headaches include tension-type headaches, migraine headaches, sinus headaches, and cluster headaches, and are much more prevalent than secondary types, which are rarely seen. The most common primary headaches are tension-type and it has been estimated that up to 90% of adults have this type. Females are twice as likely to suffer from tension headaches as males.

Tension headaches are often mistaken for migraines because they have many of the same symptoms. They generally produce mild to moderate pain that feels like a tight band has been placed around the head. Pressure is felt from the back of the head and neck area all the way around to the forehead. The pain is usually pounding or throbbing, affects the front, sides, back, or top of the head, and can shift back and forth from mild to severe throughout the day. These types of headaches may last from a few minutes to several days. A good indication of whether it's a tension-type or migraine headache is that tension-types do not affect vision, balance and equilibrium, or muscle strength.

Migraine headaches are the second most common type of primary headache, affecting as many as 30 million people in the United States. Migraines typically begin manifesting their symptoms sometime between the age of puberty and young adulthood, but can also affect children. In children, migraine pain is experienced equally in males and females, but as adults, females are three times more likely than males to suffer with migraine symptoms.

Migraines are typically unilateral and are of a stabbing and pulsating nature. They are more often then not accompanied by temporary neurological disturbances such as bright flashes of light or zigzagging patterns of light. Other symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Sinus headaches are caused by inflamed sinus cavities. Sinuses are air-filled cavities in the cheekbones, forehead, and base of the nose that produce a mucus which normally drains out the nose. Sinuses can become inflamed due to infections, allergic reactions, and other disorders, which can prevent the normal flow of mucus. This buildup of mucus can cause enough pressure to result in a sinus headache.

Typical symptoms of a sinus headache are pain in the forehead, cheekbones, or base of the nose (sinus locations). In addition to the pain there is usually a high amount of nasal mucus flow, fever, and swelling in the face.
Cluster headaches, also known as "suicide headaches," are much more rare than tension-type or migraine and occur in just 0.1% of the population. They affect men the majority of the time and "intense pain" is their prominent feature. They differ from migraines in that they come on quickly; their onset is rapid. They are almost exclusively unilateral which is why they are often mistaken for brain tumors or even multiple sclerosis.

Secondary headaches can result from countless numbers of conditions that run the gamut from life threatening to mild. They can be caused by relatively minor events such as caffeine withdrawal or discontinuance of pain medication and also from life threatening disorders such as brain tumors, strokes, and spinal meningitis. They can also result from eye strain, blurred vision and coughing.

There are many other types of headaches, each having their own unique headache symptoms. The vast majority belong in the primary category while a lesser percentage of headaches are classified as secondary. It is often difficult, even for the professional, to diagnose the different types of headaches correctly, as many of the same signs and symptoms overlap the various types.

Dr. Joshua Harding, D.C. has helped patients find relief for 25 years. As a headache expert there is nothing he enjoys more than relieving someone of their pain. You can sign up for his free 10-part headache mini course to learn more about headache symptoms.

The Major Causes of Headache Symptoms


Read 6 Reasons to Choose Natural Headache Cures Over Medications for Migraines additional

Headache sufferers can live their lives in frequent misery. While there are many natural cures for headaches that can help in the long run, tools for immediate relief of headaches are a strong need.

Far too many headache sufferers turn to medications to cure their headaches, but in no situation does the medication actually fix what is causing the headache in the first place. Many drugs use to treat headaches merely stop one brain cell from communicating with its neighbor, but do not make the original, problematic brain cell any healthier.

One very common medication used to treat headaches (most often migraine type headaches, although it is not uncommon for a prescription to be written for a tension-type headache as well) is amitriptyline, the most common prescription being Elavil. This class of drugs blocks both the serotonin and norepinephrine uptake in the brain (SNRI). As noted, this pathway has little to do with what actually causes the headaches in the first place, but can stop to progression of the signal from one brain cell to the next.

While there are many natural approaches for headache sufferers to use that can have strong effects on symptom, frequency and duration of the headaches, controlling stress remains one of the most powerful tools.

Acute stress is actually very good for the brain. If you think about it, this makes a lot of sense. If we had a Saber tooth tiger jump out of the underbrush looking to attack us, the last thing we want is for our brain to get all fuzzy and kick off a headache. Instead, acute stress snaps our brain and the way our neurons are firing into attention. Otherwise, as a species, we wouldn't be here on this planet.

Chronic stress, on the other hand, has a very detrimental role in brain function. Much of it is focused around the hormone cortisol and one of the derivatives of cortisol called tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone (THDOC). In acute situations this compound has a strongly anti-seizure, anti-migraine effect. However, in the long term with chronic stress, the same compound becomes very pro-seizure and pro-migraine. So, stress is a major trigger of both headaches and seizures. This is most likely due to this particular hormone.

So, it all boils back down to needing to manage our stress with a variety of different tools to keep stress levels under control. Ideally, any stress we experience should be the short term brain protective stress rather than the long term chronic brain damaging stress.

There's a lot of ways to calm the brain and keep one neuron from inappropriately firing to its unsuspecting neighbor and creating a migraine or a seizure.

One very powerful method to calm the brain that has been around for several thousand years is meditation. It can be as complex as a meditation course or can be as simple as a relaxation CD that you'd buy used at a bookstore for $5. The choice of methods is up to the individual.

A recent study compared the effectiveness of using amitriptyline vs hypnotic relaxation that was done in the neurologist's office. The results were very encouraging:

1) Over half (58%) chose hypnotic relaxation over the drug approach
2) The patients who used higher levels of analgesics were more likely to choose amitriptyline
3) When given a choice to later switch groups, over 5X the number of patients chose to switch over to hypnosis vs drugs
4) 74% of patients in hypnotic relaxation group had a good response (50% or greater improvement)
5) Only 58% of patients in the amitriptyline group had the same response
6) Long term adherence with hypnotic relaxation was greater than the drug

Meditation has been shown to actually calm the brain. These are based on EEG studies where we see less brain activity during meditation. Realize that there's no other time that the brain truly quiets down. Even in sleep the brain is very active. It's only during meditation that we start to see brain waves and brain activity slow down. So, meditation is wonderful for affecting that in a positive way.

Other ways are biofeedback. There is actually a device called the RESPeRATE that's FDA approved to lower blood pressure and is basically a biofeedback device for breathing. The device is used by putting on headphones and listening to the tones that indicate when to breathe in and when to breathe out. During this time period, you find that your focus is entirely on your breathing. Once that happens, you're not focusing on anything else, which is essentially a form of meditation that allows the brain to quiet down. In our office we've had people who are in the middle of an anxiety attack use the RESPeRATE. In 15 minutes they are a completely relaxed person.

There are other devices similar to the RESPeRATE. One uses visual stimuli where you focus on certain designs with specific music playing in the background, and you find that the focus becomes so intense on what you are hearing and seeing that it gives the brain a chance to rest and not think about everything else that contributes to your stress levels.

We live in a society that stresses us out beyond anything that any society has ever come across before. It's work, it's home - these stressors don't ever seem to go away. Our body deals well with acute stress, but it's the chronic stress that really starts to break down our brain.

These tools and others can help to calm your brain, but you also need to take a good look at your life and what is stressing you and do whatever it takes to start to remove the stresses or learn to not let them go. Quite frankly, whatever you're stressing about today, and probably the next 10 things you're going to stress about tomorrow, really aren't going to matter. They're going to happen whether or not you stress about them. However, we seem to stress more about the things that are most out of our control. Does this not seem ridiculous? If they're out of our control, what's the point of stressing over them? And, there is no doubt that your stress levels are destroying your brain slowly, piece by agonizing piece.

For more info read: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1526-4610.2011.02055.x/abstract
More on the Resperate: http://lifecarechiropractic.com/blog/general-information/product-reviews/resperate-reviews-and-cuts-down-stress-in-15-minutes/

Headache Cures
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6 Reasons to Choose Natural Headache Cures Over Medications for Migraines

Read The Chronic Headache extra

The Chronic Headache


Nearly 65 million Americans suffer from some form of chronic headaches. If you have a chronic headache which occurs daily and consistently, the possibility of depression exists. Anti- depressant medication is often helpful for this type of headache.

Headache problems typically begin in the teens or 20s. It's basically a genetic disease with environmental triggers. A headache diary may help you identify the source of chronic headaches. When a headache occurs, its a good idea to write down the date and time the it began.

Chronic headache attacks can cause one to miss important days from school or work and may also prevent individuals from spending precious time with loved ones and can even hinder social obligations. People having these headaches may also overuse headache medicines when alarmed by warning signs or fears of an attack.

Because symptom patterns tend to change over time-especially in the case of chronic headaches-the history is particularly important. Along with a physical examination, the history helps determine the need for specialized tests-either to rule out progressive or life-threatening problems or to confirm the diagnosis. Opinion on the effectiveness of treatment-such as relaxation therapy, biofeedback, cognitive behavioral stress management, and lifestyle modification-for children and adolescents with chronic headache is divided. However, it has been said that it is not at all that uncommon for a pediatric neurologist to first recommend behavioral therapy paired with the use of over the counter pain medications. Medication management and other more traditional forms of treatment are available for patients with chronic headache.

Chronic headaches such as migraine and tension headaches are responsible for significant direct health care costs and even larger indirect costs because of lost productivity and burdens on patients and families. The are a result of diffused pain that range from mild headaches to medium intensity headaches.

Patients suffering from the chronic headache are three times more likely to report a high degree of symptoms related to headache, such as low energy, trouble sleeping, nausea, dizziness, pain or problems during intercourse, and pain in the stomach, back, arms, legs, and joints.

People with chronic tension headaches can have pain affecting both sides of the head and the neck. Tension headaches may be short-lived, or they may last for days or weeks.

Find the latest information on headaches and headache treatment visit Causes Of Migraine Headaches [http://causes-of-migraine-headaches.com/] as well as Chronic Headache [http://causes-of-migraine-headaches.com/chronic-headache.html].

Study Headache Causes and Remedies additional

Headache Causes and Remedies


What is a headache other than the pounding pain we feel emanating from our brains? Headache pain results from signals interacting between the brain, blood vessels and surrounding nerves. During a headache, specific nerves of the blood vessels and head muscles are activated and send pain signals to the brain. One of the preventive measures for treating headaches is to find out why these signals are activated in the first place.

Headaches have over a hundred classifications but we will focus on tension, migraine and cluster headaches. Tension headaches, also called chronic daily headaches or chronic non-progressive headaches, are the most common type of headaches among adults and adolescents. Migraines are associated with symptoms such as light sensitivity; noise or odors; nausea or vomiting; loss of appetite; and stomach upset or abdominal pain. Cluster headaches are the least common, although the most severe, type of primary headache. The pain of a cluster headache is intense and may be described as having a burning or piercing quality that is throbbing or constant. The pain is so severe that most cluster headache sufferers cannot sit still and will often pace during an attack.

Most people when experiencing a headache turn to over the counter headache medication or painkillers. These methods just mask the underlying cause of the headache and the best method is to prevent a headache by finding the chemical, emotional or structural problem. There are many remedies for relieving a headache which depend upon the person in order to be successful.

Home remedies range from just lying down in a dark, silent room to gin soaked raisins. Close to 80 percent of people can abort their headache if they can treat it while it is just a dull throb. A cool damp cloth or ice pack applied to the forehead is a common remedy that works best in the early stages of a headache. Lying down in a dark, silent room may relieve a headache and can be combined with massage or pressure application to the bridge of the nose. Another easy way to deal with headache pain is exercise, which relieves tension and the pressure to the head. Exercise also relieves stress, but if the headache is of the migraine variety, then exercise is not advised. One home remedy for migraine-type headaches is salt consumption. If the migraine is in the starting stages, a snack of Fritos corn chips, fries covered with large amounts of salt or any other very salty food will calm the attack.

Other home remedies to headaches include: a paste of clove and salt crystals in milk, ginger or chamomile tea, an ice-cold piece of foil or a massage to one's scalp. These treatments are suggested for occasional headaches, but for people who suffer regular headaches it is suggested that they investigate the underlying cause of their headaches. The cause can be attributed to one of several factors including their diet, spinal alignment, hormones or environment.

James Junior is a freelance writer and web programmer for http://www.healthservicesinc.com

Understand Knowing Stress Headache extra

Experts say that there are many different types of headache that have different causes. The most common triggers for headaches are usually lifestyle-related that include a person's poor diet, periodic muscle tensions, and lack of regular physical activity or exercise.

Other serious causes may include development of brain tumors and other neurologically-related disorders. But, among these factors that trigger the problem, one factor is considered as the hardest to manage-- varying stress levels.


Stress is nothing but a part and fact of nature. It is one of those factors that affect individuals caused by the ever-changing forces in the environment. Through the years, experts have found out that stress is one of the most common factors that trigger headaches that can either be physical or emotional.

One of the common forms of headaches caused by emotional stress is migraine headache. People who suffer from migraine usually experience stress cause by anxiety, worrying too much, shock, depression, over excitement, and overall mental fatigue.

Aside from drastic mood changes, repressed emotions can also lead to stress headache. Experts agree that stress also plays a big role in developing tension-type headache that are directly related to specific instances of increased worry and concern and can lead to more complications such as sleep disturbances.

In order to know if you are experiencing headache due to stress, check if you have shallow breathing, elevated heart rate, increased blood pressure, and increased levels of adrenaline. Stress headache can also be characterized by tightening of the tensioned muscles in the upper back, shoulders, neck, and head, lowered tolerance to pain, and ineffective painkillers.

p>Stress headache is indeed considered as the most common type of headache because two out of three people in the world have at least experience one tension headache in their lifetime. Since stress headaches are caused by too much stress a person goes through, the best way to combat it is to avoid a lifestyle filled out with stress.

Other treatment may include taking in medications such as over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin or paracetamol, indulging into relaxing activities such as a massage, diet changes and alterations eating habits, and taking in alternative therapies like acupuncture or chiropractic.

Other short-term treatments include indulgence to microcurrent (TENS) and magnetic therapy, heat treatment like hot baths, facial ice packs, soothing massage especially to the scalp, neck and shoulder areas, getting involved to stress-relieving activities like meditation or hypnosis, regular physical routine and winding up.

Long-term treatments may also include getting involved to aerobic exercises like cycling, swimming or walking, regular relaxation techniques, consultation with a registered psychologist to improve stress management, and taking in antidepressant medications. Aside from taking in prescription medication, you can also undergo stress management under licensed doctors, neurologists, chemists, and other professionals.

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Knowing Stress Headache

Examine When I Exercise, I Get A Terrible Headache - Should I Worry? far more


There are a few reasons why this could be happening and most of them are harmless. In a few, rare instances, it could mean something more serious. If you are at all worried, please see your doctor.

Let's look at the most common causes that are what is known as 'benign' - which means that they aren't dangerous, just unpleasant.

Effort Migraine

This is commonly suffered by people who take a lot of exercise and participate in a variety of sports.

The reason for the headache is thought to be the rise in body temperature caused by intense exercise. This rise may be responsible for the blood vessels in the brain dilating, or getting bigger and pressing on nerves, giving you the headache.

People who suffer from this have often had a migraine in the past and may recognize warning signs. They may see flashing lights before the headache begins. This sort of headache usually lasts from four to six hours. The usual medicines for migraine work well for this headache, especially the preventative one. Taking a dose of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) like ibuprofen, before you exercise can lower your chance of getting a headache. Trying not to get too hot can also help.

Exertion Headache

This can affect 1 in every 100 people, so you're not alone. The pattern is a sudden, intense, throbbing pain, usually at the back of the head. It will then decrease to a background ache which can go on for anything up to six hours. It is thought to be due to the increase in blood pressure and thus increased pressure in the blood vessels of the brain when you exercise. It is usually easy to control with over-the-counter painkillers.

Not tonight...I've got a headache!

Another common form of exertional headache is one that occurs regularly during or after sex. It glories in the name of 'benign coital headache'. Many people (men and women) suffer from this and are often too embarrassed to go to their doctor.

Very rarely, a person will experience a 'first time' intensely painful headache during sex. They often describe it as the worst headache of their lives. This type of sudden onset headache is an emergency - until proven otherwise. It is very unusual, but when it happens, proper emergency care is required. If you are at all worried about this type of headache, please see your doctor.

A pain in the neck

The third most common type of headache linked to exercise is called cervicogenic headache. It arises from disorders in the cervical spine. The problem can be with the muscles, joints and/or nerves.

Symptoms for this headache usually include blurred vision. The neck problems need to be resolved to prevent further headaches.

So when should I worry?

Very rarely, suffering a headache while exercising may indicate a more worrying condition.

If you have any of the following symptoms, please visit your doctor for a thorough evaluation:

A headache that starts very suddenly
A headache that gets worse over several days
Any head injury
A new type of headache that you haven't had before
A headache that has other symptoms that you're not used to
Pain on one side of the head that won't go away
Waking up in the night, or first thing in the morning with pain
A stiff neck
Numbness or tingling in any areas of the body

I repeat any of these are worth a precautionary visit to your doctor.

David has been publishing articles for nearly 6 years. You can visit his latest website at http://www.headacheheadaches.com which helps people find the best headache help.

When I Exercise, I Get A Terrible Headache - Should I Worry?


Read through Cure for Migraine Headaches: Searching for Answers more

The potential cure for migraine headaches can't come soon enough for those suffering from migraines. Migraine isn't simply a regular headache; it entails severe pain, typically around the eyes, temples, or ears. It may also involve vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to sound and light. Frequently, migraine sufferers have a family history of migraines; this type of headache is usually more prevalent among women than men.

Today, no exists cure for migraine headaches, but there are different treatments available, each having varying degrees of success. Numerous hypotheses are in place as to what produces migraines, but there is not yet a definitive theory as to why they occur and what triggers them. It is recommended that if you have several headaches during the month that last for hours or days you should seek some form of treatment. Also, if your vision blurs, you feel nauseous, or the pain disrupts your work and life, you should seek help.

Lifestyle changes are perhaps the most effective way to treat your headaches. Knowing what causes your headaches, or what triggers them can be a first step in the right direction. Every so often the way you eat and what you eat contributes to your migraines. Getting enough sleep and reducing stress in your life may also help.

There is no definitive cure for migraine headaches so far; each person will have unique triggers that start their migraines. Each person will have to find the best way to treat their migraines, as each person is different. Even though there is no standardized cure for migraine headaches, there are a few ways of treating them.

There are basically two ways to treat the pain associated with migraines: either prevent the migraine attacks or help relieve the pain once the migraine starts. Medication is available to be prescribed for migraine sufferers. However, medicating a migraine sufferer can mean a lot of trial and error. What may be a cure for migraine headaches for one person won't make a dent in the pain for the next migraine sufferer.

It is thought that the leading trigger for a migraine attack is stress. Of course, triggers for migraines and the subsequent treatment of the migraines can be completely different from person to person. Unfortunately there is no cure for migraine headaches yet, but more research is being done all the time, so hopefully in the future, sufferers can look forward to the day a cure for migraine headaches is found once and for all.

Headache Cures

For a revealing report on a simple step by step at home method to end headache and migraine pains, simply go to migraineandheadacherelief.com/cure

Cure for Migraine Headaches: Searching for Answers

Headache Cures

Examine Natural Headache Remedies a lot more

Do you experience frequent headaches? There are more than 45 million headache sufferers in the United States. I used to get headaches on a regular basis. I think it was a family trait because my mom used to get chronic headaches. Nothing can be a bigger problem than having a headache all the time.

Headaches tend to make everything seem worse, and, in extreme cases, headaches can make anything seem impossible. The tricky thing about headaches is trying to tell if they are a symptom of something else, like a cold or circulation problems, or if the headaches themselves are the problem. Tension headaches fall into the latter category. They are the problem and while they aren't necessarily an indication of more serious problems, you need to take tension headaches seriously.

Tension headaches have a distinct sensation. They can give the afflicted person the feeling that their brain is being tightened or constricted. They can give you a feeling like your head is being tensed up. Some people complain that they feel like a band or vice is squeezing their head. While it may feel like your muscles are contracting and crushing your head, this is not the case. While researchers are not quite sure where tension headaches come from and how they affect us, most experts agree that there are a few natural headache remedies that work on most people.

One of the best natural headache treatments is to strive for a healthy lifestyle. This will cut down on the likelihood that tension headaches occur. This means eating a balanced diet heavy in fruits and vegetables. It also means cutting down on processed sugars and fatty foods. Regular exercise and sleep are excellent in relieving chronic headaches, as does avoiding tobacco, and reducing alcohol and caffeine usage.

Of course at times, no matter what you do, tension headaches occur. Before resorting to medication, there are a couple natural headache remedies you can try to relieve the pain and discomfort. Keep in mind that even prescription medication only helps relieve the symptoms, they are not an actual cure. Medications can only provide temporary comfort, and even then, are not always effective.

First and foremost, find a way to de-stress your life. For many people, the stress of everyday life is the cause of their tension headaches. If you are experiencing chronic headaches give yourself time each day to unwind with a soothing or comforting activity.

For many people, tension headaches can be a literal pain in the neck. The best headache remedies are those that try to prevent them before they even happen. But be careful when looking for medicine. None of them are an actual cure but really only offer momentarily relief of some pain. Remember that all medications taken for a long period of time can have nasty side effects.

Since stress is one of the biggest factors in causing tension headaches, when it comes right down to it there is nothing better than using natural techniques to reduce your stressful lifestyle. Exercise, diet and learning to relax will de-stress you physically and mentally and will give you your best chance to beat tension headaches permanently.

Headache Cures

Wil Dieck is the founder of Total Mind Therapy and author of "Overcoming Stress", an e-course that you can have at absolutely no charge. Drop by http://www.beststressreliefinfosite.com/ for your copy today.

Natural Headache Remedies

Headache Cures

Examine Nature's Remedies For Headaches much more

The most common headaches are caused by constricted blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. Causes may include stress, eye strain, insomnia, depression, fatigue, low blood sugar, poor posture, PMS, sinus problems, allergies, and even caffeine.

Cultures around the world have natural remedies for headaches that we can all benefit from. Organic tea remedies are the most common in all ancient cultures that work to relieve the strain causing headaches.

Camomile - is most common in the form of tea in most grocery stores. It is a well-known natural remedy for headache that calms and soothes, used for adults and children alike. (Also a good sleep aid.)

Cayenne - dilates the blood vessels that contract with a headache. It comes in capsules or tablets. If you have frequent headaches, cooking with cayenne could be very beneficial for you.

Cinnamon - relaxes muscles, relieves stress and lowers blood pressure. It can also lower your blood pressure.

Feverfew - is a great reliever of cluster headaches and migraines. You can grow it yourself just about anywhere. The tiny white, daisylike flowers make excellent tea. Be careful, though. It reseeds itself abundantly. It works by reducing the dilated blood vessels. It is available in most health food stores in capsules.

Ginger - is a great remedy for headaches and is available at most grocery and health food stores in the form of teas in many combinations. You can also find it in capsule and tincture form at the health food store.

Lavender - is well known for it's ability to calm. Most headaches are caused by stress. Lavender helps relieve the stress and, in so doing, relieves the headache.

Aromatic remedies for headaches may work wonders for a tension headache. A nice warm bath with a relaxing scent can soothe away a tension headache in no time. Try peppermint oil, rose hips, camomile, or eucalyptus oil.

Evie Brandon http://www.itsonlynaturalnewsletter.com

Evie Brandon, It's Only Natural Newsletter


It's Only Natural Newsletter provides current health news and articles on natural living. Divided into four distinct categories; Current health news articles, Health & Beauty articles, Home and Garden articles and a section on related Products. We focus on alternative, natural organic and non-GMO information. It's our intent to educate the public on how to live a natural, healthy life by eliminating toxic or harmful chemicals from their diet and home. We are not getting the information from current media sources so we all need to research these areas ourselves. We hope you find our newsletter helpful.

Nature's Remedies For Headaches

Headache Cures